34.4 F
Thursday, February 13, 2025

    Files from yesteryear: 1964

    From the files of 1964  W.F. Looney Dies  Funeral services were held on January 22nd, at the Corinth West Church, for William Frazer Looney, age 73, of Route Three, Vinemont, who died at his residence on January 20th.  Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Callie Looney; one brother,...

    WWII soldier’s effects returned to family after 77 years

    HANCEVILLE, Ala. - Thanks to extensive research provided by the Wallace State Community College Genealogy department, a Purple Heart posthumously awarded to a World War II soldier and other personal mementos were reunited with his family in Marshall County 77 years after his passing.   The...

    Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1955

    From the files of 1918   Marvin Scott, who is on the USS Pennsylvania, will arrive Sunday to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. W.A. Scott.   W.A. Schlosser, 75, died at his home on Friday morning, April 29th, after a long illness. He was one...

    Files from yesteryear: 1905, 1935

    From the files of 1905 The Ladies Symphony and a number of friends met at the M.L. Robertson home on the 27th. Presenting the program of piano and vocal selections were Mesdames, Beyer, Brown, Hartwig, Hays, Dreher, Coe, Parker and Miller and Misses McMinn and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936  Congressman-elect, Luther Patrick, of Birmingham, will speak at the Cullman County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. It is a meeting of the Roosevelt Club and a Democratic Rally for Cullman County.   The L.O. Brock family are building a new...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the files of 1900 The Polytechnic College will close Friday and the scholars will picnic at Blue Hole on Saturday. Mrs. Judge Fuller and pretty little daughter, Gladys and Miss Caroline Schlosser visited Birmingham this week. Oster and “Baby” McMinn returned home on Tuesday, from Memphis,...

    Candlelight Walking Tour provides Cullman history highlights

    CULLMAN, Ala. - Julie Burks and Michael Sullins hosted the Oktoberfest Candlelight Walking Tour on Thursday evening beginning under the statue of Cullman founder John G. Cullmann. With well over 100 walkers hungry for local history joining the pair along the path, the tour...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1900

    From The Files Of 1936 The senior class of the Cullman County High School will enjoy a picnic at the George Stiefelmeyer Camp on Friday. Miss Margaret Hartwig will be home on Friday from Millport, Alabama, where she taught music in 1936. W. Oliver Cooper has accepted...

    Files from yesteryear: 1954

    From the files of 1954 Mrs. Cecil Looney, of Geraldine, was the guest last week of Mrs. Lois Weeks. Mrs. Weeks returned home with her for several days. Mrs. Jimmy Duren, of Birmingham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Nail and Mr. and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1954

    From the files of 1954 Shaw Breaks Leg Ronald Shaw, 16, member of the Hanceville football squad, received a broken leg in the third quarter of the Bulldogs game with Arab on Friday night. Cars Collide On One Way Street Some $475 damage resulted at 3:37 p.m. on...

    Files from yesteryear: 1917, 1937

    From the files of 1917 Mrs. O. Kinney, Mrs. G.W. Johnson, Honorable and Mrs. A.A. Griffith have returned from a ten day stay in Dawson Springs, Kentucky. Mr. George Stiefelmeyer has returned home from Canada, where he has been for the past four weeks, on a...

    Files from yesteryear: 1937

    From the files of 1937 Mr. Bill Clapp and Geraldine Mugrove surprised their friends by getting married last Thursday. They are residing with Mr. and Mrs. William Clapp, Senior. Mrs. G.W. Thorn, of Hanceville, suffered painful burns on her leg last Wednesday. The Bremen Community was shocked...

    ADAH to debut Alabama Radio Moments Sept. 10

    MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Department of Archives and History (ADAH) will open its new temporary exhibit, Alabama Radio Moments, at the Museum of Alabama Saturday, Sept. 10. Special family activities and demonstrations are planned throughout the afternoon to highlight the history and technology...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1964

    From the files of 1964 Mrs. Clemmons’ Father Dies Here Sunday. Robert Woods Blair, age 62, father of Mrs. L.H. Clemmons, died at the Cullman Hospital, on Sunday, after suffering a heart attack that same day. Mr. Blair and his wife, of Leavenworth, Kansas, were guests of...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1964

    From the files of 1964 W.F. Looney Dies Funeral services were held on January 22nd, at the Corinth West Church, for William Frazer Looney, age 73, of Route Three, Vinemont, who died at his residence on January 20th. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Callie Looney; one...

    Files from yesteryear: 1920, 1934

    From the files of 1920 Mr. Conrad Howard spent Saturday night with Professor J.D. Knight. Mrs. Ella Doss and children spent Sunday with Mrs. James Sargent. Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Canant spent Sunday with Mrs. T.J. McCombs. Reverend Lewis Hall and wife, of Decatur, attended the funeral of...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the files of 1904 Nathan Kelley will leave next week for the West. Get your schoolbooks at C.A. Stiefelmeyer’s. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. John Reese have been visiting relatives in Blount County. C.C. Davis is visiting his mother at Walter. J.H. Brandes had gone to Birmingham to tend...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1954

    From the files of 1904 Miss Annie McConnell has returned to her studies in Tuscaloosa. Mrs. Joseph Rudder returned Wednesday from an extended visit in Knoxville. Captain R.P. Hobson will speak at the courthouse here today. A.D. Brooks has purchased the D.O. McKoy farm, near Logan. Harp Speegle left...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1937 and 1954

    From the files of 1937: Miss Jeanette Green returned Wednesday from Roswell, New Mexico, where she has been since January. Her many friends are glad to see her again at the George Stiefelmeyer Store. College student: “Say, what’s the idea of wearing my raincoat?” Roommate: “You...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1937

    From The Files Of 1937: The State of Alabama owns 4,221 buildings. The appraised value of these buildings, including contents, is $36,079,850. This property is insured for $27,777,245, against loss by fire. The state itself is carrying $18,566,815 of this insurance and the balance is...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1954 and 1937

    From the files of 1954: Births for July: Eighty-three babies were born in Cullman County during July. Boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sinyard, J.E. Weissend, Carl Teichmiller, Spencer Howard, M.C. Cleghorn,, C.L. Jerrolds, Alton F. Ray, T.R. Segroves, O.J. Latham, J.H. Fitzgerald,...

    Flies from yesteryear: from the files of 1954 and 1937

    From the files of 1954: Marie Peinhardt was chosen Cullman County’s first Dairy Maid, in the contest held Friday at Klein’s creamery. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Peinhardt. The recent school census for Cullman County and Cullman City shows a total of...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1934 and 1954

    From the files of 1934: Mrs. Johnnie Drake, of Route One, Lacon is ill with typhoid fever in the Cullman Hospital. Miss Clara Werdt is expected home this week, after a three-month tour of Europe. Vacationing on the Florida coast this week are Mrs. W.O. Kelley,...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1904 and 1934

    From the files of 1904: Professor J.L. Gibson has moved to Falkville, where he is in charge of the college there. Miss Dora E. Schneider and Herman Richter were married on Thursday evening, at the home of the groom’s sister, Mrs. E.B. Hauk in West Cullman. Mr....

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1920

    Miss Audrey Chandler spent Sunday in Hanceville with friends. Horace Quattlebaum of Akron, Ohio is spending a few days in Cullman. Mr. Talmadge Bland has accepted a position in Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Glasscock of Welti are the proud parents of a fine baby boy. Doctor W.H....

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1952

    Memorial services will be held at Bethlehem West on May 14, beginning at 10o’clock. Jimmy Rogers of Berlin was run over and badly injured by a tractor, a few days ago. Annette Hare visited Barbara Moore at Welcome on Sunday. Mrs. Zelma King, formerly Zelma Gaither of...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1932 and 1952

    From the files of 1932: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wachter announce the birth of a daughter on April 27, whom they have named Dorothy Clair. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wallace entertained at a dinner party Tuesday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Bailey...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1933 and 1902

    From the files of 1933: Mrs. Charles R. Watson of Cullman announces the engagement of her daughter, Rosa, to William Oscar Dunlap. The wedding will be in June. The music club will meet on May 6, at the home of Melba Ponder. The music teacher is...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1930 and 1933

    From the files of 1930: Judge and Mrs. Homer F. Mitchell announce the birth of a son, at their home last week. Attending the University of Alabama homecoming last weekend were Howard Griffin, Bob Young, J. Church and J. Little. Mr. and Mrs. George Tanner have returned...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1900 and 1930

    From the files of 1900: The population of Cullman County is now 17,849. Uncle Sam Cole, who is very ill at his Holly Pond home, has his sons from Texas and Louisiana visiting him. Ron Graves left yesterday for Texas. Mrs. J.T. Bogue left Thursday for Senora,...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950

    John Wesley Shear, five-week-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Shear underwent serious surgery on Monday. Herman Plunkett has been elected president of the West Point Sportsman Club. Clyde Walraven is vice-president and secretary-treasurer is D.M. Eddleman. Theaun Cheatwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.V. Cheatwood...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files 0f 1936 and 1950

    From the files of 1936: Mr. G.W. Tingle passed away on October 10. There were 12 children born to this union. Burial was at Mars Hill, Tennessee. Attorney John H. Chapman has located in Cullman. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tucker left for Georgia last week, where they...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936

    Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Ray attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Sam Bradford, at Bethsadia, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Kittie Smith, who has been nursing Miss Katherine Girley, has returned to her home at Reform, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Calvert of Akron, Ohio,...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1930 and 1936

    From the files of 1930: Probate Judge H.F. Mitchell has received Cullman County’s allotment of new auto tags for 1931. The tags are yellow on a green background. Jim Martin, 81, died at his home near Missionary Grove on Monday. Cullman County High will open on August...

    Cullman County Museum April Walking Tours preparing for five weekends (UPDATED)

    CULLMAN, Ala. – This spring will mark the 10th anniversary of the Cullman April Walking Tours and with five weekends this year, the Cullman County Museum has much in store for visitors. Museum Director Drew Green helped kick start the program locally when he joined...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950 and 1900

    From the files of 1950: Mesdames C.H. Gray, Vann Gibbs, George Burkart, T.Y. Steele and Mary Plunkett visited Mrs. Max Forbis in Huntsville. Slim Lay and his band played at the Canteen dance on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. N.W. Self celebrated their Golden Anniversary on August...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950

    Arthur Jack Hyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hyatt of Cullman graduated with honors from Florence State Teachers College. Mrs. A.F. Young received a telegram last Friday that her son, Corporal David R. Young, 19, is missing in action. Sergeant Milton Wilhite was injured severely...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1933, 1902 and 1950

    From the files of 1933: Mr. Charles McMinn died on July 29, 1933. He was born on May 10, 1959. He was married on June 24, 1878 to Miss Martha Quattlebaum. They were married 55 years. Mr. McMinn became a member of Good Hope Church...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1932 and 1933

    From the files of 1932: Willie Willingham, Doctor J.D. Caldwell, Ealie Beard and Howard Griffin were injured, none seriously, in an auto wreck on Thursday morning, near Hartselle. Mrs. Y.W. Freeman, 72, of Route Four, Cullman, has returned from a visit to the grave of her...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1902:

    The old building on the corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street East is now being removed preparatory to the erection of a large brick bank by a company of gentleman who will “incorporate” with a capital stock of $25,000. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mackentepe...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1952

    Hanceville cheerleaders this year are Jo Vaughn, Hail Thomas, Belva Sue Johnson, Eleanor Gay Chappell, Margaret Johnson, Barbara Ann Johnson and Mona Ann Seibert. Private A.P. Alvis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Alvis, formerly of Garden City was killed in Korea in late June....

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936 and 1952

    From the files of 1936: Mrs. H. Parker was a nice hostess on Thursday for a dance. George Stiefelmeyer, Grand Master- Elect of the Grand Lodge of Alabama Odd Fellows, attended the district convention of the Rebekahs in Hanceville on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Herrell have...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1930 and 1936

    From the files of 1930: Miss Eunice Butler has recently graduated from Alverson Business College in Birmingham. Mrs. John Luyben and Mrs. F. Mallery were joint hostesses on Thursday at a Valentine party for the Michigan Card Club. Mrs. Alvie Biggers, Mrs. Ewing Wallace, Mrs. Harry Schlosser...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1900 and 1930:

    From the files of 1900: The Chicago Glee Club will sing in Kullman’s Hall on Wednesday. Reserved seats are 35 cents, on sale at the post office. Mr. J.R. Morgan of Johnson’s Crossing made a flying trip to Birmingham last week. Suppose he accepted a position...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950 and 1900

    From the files of 1950: Mrs. Fred Kelley and Charles, Junior are here to visit her mother, Mrs. C.W. Sandlin, who is seriously ill. Cullman upset Saint Bernard in first round action of the county basketball tournament, 41 to 40. There was a minute left to...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1930 and 1950

    From the files of 1930: The honor roll of seniors at Cullman High School for the first semester includes: Maria Callahan, Charon Denson, Alfred Glaser, Margaret Hartung, Mary Ellen Hines, Mary Johnson, Vonda Lee Johnston, Edna Martin, Eunice Martin, Frances McPherson, Ruby Philpot, Eldon Simpson,...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1900

    Mrs. Annie Mackentepe and son, after an extended trip to Cincinnati and other northern points, have returned home. Nine cheeses, about $40 worth, were stolen from the depot last Monday night. The J.H. Karter Company has just received a carload of Studebaker wagons, the best on...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950

    Mrs. Jess Latham and Mrs. Homer Pike spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Tom Waldrop at Concord. Betty Loyd of Mountain View and William McDermic were married on Saturday. Sandra Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Taylor is ill with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Sinyard,...

    Local heritage group decorates Confederate graves

    CULLMAN COUNTY, Ala. - Members of Cullman County’s Sons of Confederate Veterans Organization, Thomas Jefferson Denney Camp #1442, got together Saturday, Dec. 11 to decorate the graves of over 35 Confederate Soldiers. The group visited seven cemeteries in the area, placing wreaths and grave...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936 and 1950

    From the files of 1950: Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Edwards are announcing the birth of a little daughter. Editor J.C. Norwood of The Cullman Tribune is suffering from a severe heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Henry White are the parents of a son, born last Thursday. He...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1920 and 1936:

    From the files of 1920: Apple pickers are busy now in the Mellon Orchards near Anniston. Three thousand trees on 35 acres are expected to produce 24 bushels on average to each tree. Mr. Thomas J. Culpepper died at his home, three miles west of Cullman,...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950:

    Lionel Bennefield, of Joppa, had been improving in a Birmingham hospital. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Desser Bennefield could not be reached on Friday night, when his condition worsened. The undertaker delivered his body to the Joppa home and it was the first news...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1930 and 1950

    While employees of the Cullman Furniture Company were loading a truck, on Monday, the engine died and when a driver got out to crank it, the gear slipped into reverse and ran backward into the plate glass window. It will take at least $150 to...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936 and 1900

    From the files of 1936: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Todd, of Hanceville, visited Beech Grove relatives on Sunday. Mrs. Race Lowery spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert McHan at North Vinemont. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville, spent Sunday with his father at...

    Veteran Memorial: James Richard Hawk

    James Richard Hawk was born November 1, 1948 in Cullman County. He grew up in Hanceville with his parents, Tom D. and Margaret Ella Hawk. He enlisted in the United States Army in March of 1969 and served in Vietnam.  Hawk earned the rank of...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936

    The Vinemont 4-H Club elected officers at the school on Wednesday. President-Marie Drake, Vice-President- Dorothy Lawrence, Secretary-Daisy Edge, Cheer Leader-Myron Nesmith and Song Leader-Naomi DeMonia. They made baking powder biscuits and ended the meeting doing a cheer. Leroy Box died in Texas. He leaves a...

    Veteran Memorial: George Kenneth Golden

    George Kenneth Golden was born November 22, 1948 in Morgan County. His parents were George T. and Pearl Ruth (Johnson) Golden and the family lived in Eva. George K. Golden joined the United States Army and served during the Vietnam War.  Golden earned the rank...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1930 and 1936:

    Clyde Gammon, of the Logan 4-H Club, has won a trip to the National Convention in Chicago. Clyde won the trip for producing 1,020 pounds of lint cotton, on one acre of ground. This was the highest yield of any 4-H boy in North...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950 and 1900:

    From the files of 1950: Two Cullman people were seriously injured and several others received lesser injury in a highway crash on Saturday morning. Mrs. James F. Ratliff remains in a Birmingham hospital, with a broken hip and a broken ankle. Mr. Ratliff is in the...

    Veteran Memorial: Pfc. Michael Douglas Cruitt

    Michael Douglas Cruitt was born June 23, 1947 in Auburn, Alabama. He was the son of Paul Cruitt and Ann Catherine Brown. He attended Cullman High School and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps afterwards. He graduated from Parris Island on March 2,...

    Veteran Memorial: Cpl. Ronald David Lovelady

    Ronald David Lovelady was born February 4, 1947 in Cullman, Alabama. He was the son of Edgar L. and Vinell Z. Lovelady. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on August 22, 1966 and served in Vietnam.  Lovelady’s tour in Vietnam began November 19,...

    Veteran Memorial: Pfc. William Anthony “Shoo-Fly” Schaufler

    William Schaufler was born January 1, 1916 in Cullman. His parents were Albert and Loretta M. Schaufler. He earned the nickname “Shoo-Fly” while working as a popular shoeshine boy at the Cullman Drug Store.   Schaufler served in the Army during World War II as a...

    Veteran Memorial: Pfc. Aubrey Glenn Adams

    Aubrey Adams was born November 15, 1931 in Cullman County. His parents were Grant Washington and Eula Mae (Bonds) Adams. Adams volunteered for the U.S. Army on July 18, 1950 and served during the Korean War. The young infantryman trained at Ft. Knox and...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950:

    Funeral services were held on Friday, at Hopewell for Mrs. Ruby Dial McNeal, who died in Birmingham, on November 16. Reverend J. Gilbert Speake conducted the services and Mutual Service directed interment, in the Hopewell Cemetery. Pallbearers were Louis Wamp, Kermit Gorham, Fred Meadows, Martine Wamp,...

    Veteran Memorial: MSGT Kelton Speegle

    Kelton Speegle was born July 18, 1927 in Cullman County and lived in the Trimble and Crane Hill communities. His parents were Urban and Callie (White) Speegle. Kelton was a young boy when his father died from a gunshot wound to the head, and...

    Veteran Memorial: Pvt. Joseph Bernard Fromhold

    Joseph Bernard Fromhold was born August 9, 1932 in Cullman. He was a graduate of St. Bernard and was just 17 when he joined the Army. He served in the Korean War and was attached to Company B, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division.  Fromhold...

    Veteran Memorial: Glenn Mason West 

    Glenn Mason West was born April 26, 1922 in Cullman County Alabama. In October 1943, at the age of 20, West enlisted in the United States Army and served during World War II with Company A, 53rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division. Before...

    Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1930:

    The bodies of two Cullman County soldiers arrived home, Emory McConnell and Ulyses Yeager. Mr. Jessie Smith is erecting a cotton gin at Simcoe. W.C. Waldrop and wife attended the two-day Union Harp singing at Old Redan Church and reported a fine singing with a large...

    Veteran Memorial: Herman Newton Yates

    Herman Newton Yates was born March 12, 1924 in Cullman, County. His parents, Thomas Newton and Rosie C. Yates, resided at Route 8 in Vinemont. At the age of 18, Herman registered for military service with the United States Marine Corps and served during...

    Files from Yesteryear: From the Files of 1930:

    The Good Hope 4-H Club met January 20 at the school. Mrs. Rounds called the meeting to order. A demonstration was given on making bound buttonholes and inset pockets. Each member made a bound buttonhole at the meeting. Officers were elected for the year...

    Veteran Memorial: Milford Gay Wiggins

    Milford Gay Wiggins was born September 25, 1923 in Cullman County. His parents were Arnold Henry and Flossie Minerva Wiggins and they resided in Holly Pond. At the age of 19, Milford enlisted in the United States Army at Ft. McClellan. He served during...

    Files from Yesteryear: From the Files of 1930:

    Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council – Myrtle Wise, Senior Class – Carl Peinhardt, Junior Class – Nelle Hurston, Sophomore Class – Bruce Wallace, Freshman Class – Goline Allen, Jefferson...

    Files From Yesteryear: From The Files of 1900:

    Arthur and Walter Oden are at the bedside of their father, Captain E.J. Oden. Reverend Anson West has about recovered from an illness. D.L. Aldredge of Holly Pond was in Cullman on Tuesday. Miss Minnie Braasch and Edgar Stoll of Vinemont have entered the Polytechnic College, during...

    Veteran Memorial: PFC Aubury Elwyn Foust and PFC Wilson B. Foust

    Wilson Boyd Foust was born April 15, 1920 and Aubury Elwyn Foust was born May 19, 1924 in Blount County to Luther and Neoma (Wynn) Foust. By the time Wilson and Aubury registered for military service, the family was living in Cullman County.  Wilson Foust...

    Files from Yesteryear: From The Files Of 1950:

    A couple of bootleggers made the mistake of driving with lights too dim. When officers stopped the vehicle to investigate the lights, they smelled a strong odor of “corn whiskey.” Officers found 29 gallons of Wildcat whiskey. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holcomb’s house and all...

    Veteran Memorial: Staff Sgt. Ronald Hugh Hall

    SSgt Ronald Hugh Hall  Ronald Hugh Hall was born June 11, 1945 in Cullman County.  He grew up in Cullman and joined the United States Army. He served in the Vietnam War and began his tour on November 11, 1970.  Hall was a general vehicle repairman...

    Files from Yesteryear: From The Files Of 1936:

    This dry season threatens the water supply in Cullman and Cullman County. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouen are visiting relatives here, before leaving for California, to make their home. Glen Jetton of Gold Ridge spent Saturday night with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W.M....

    Files From Yesteryear: From the Files of 1930

    The County Board of Education has moved into its newly remodeled building, which is one of the finest in the state. Mrs. T.A. Smith had charge of the P.T.A. program on Tuesday. A book week program was given and Mrs. M.H. Killingsworth and Mrs. Henry...

    Files from Yesteryear: From the Files of 1900

    R.W. Riley of Joppa was here on Monday. A.J. York attended the sheriff’s convention, in Montgomery, this week. Doctor J.S.O. Whitson, of the “Free State of Winston” was visiting friends here this week. I.C. Gay will take a position with a wholesale house, in Birmingham, next month. Joseph...

    Veteran Memorial: Corporal David Ray Young

    David Ray Young was born March 2, 1930, in Cullman County. He was the son of Harvey and Lillia (Seay) Young of Ebenezer. Young enlisted in the United States Army and served during the Korean War.   Young was a telephone switchboard operator assigned to Headquarters...

    Veteran Memorial: Paul G. Absher

    Paul G. Absher was born March 7, 1921 in Cullman County. His parents were Isaac and Hattie Absher of Steppville (Hanceville). His father was a veteran who fought in World War I and Paul’s brother Horace was a veteran of World War II, Korea...

    Files from Yesteryear: From The Files Of 1950 and 1900

    In observance of Youth Week in Cullman, a group of high school and college students became city officers for a day on Tuesday. They were: Mayor Barbara Gaddy, of Sacred Heart Junior College, City Clerk, Margaret Ussery, of Sacred Heart Junior College, Councilwomen Ollie Carden,...

    Files from Yesteryear: From the Files of 1930

    The first crate of Cullman County strawberries was sold by D.C. Chambers of Route One, Cullman this week for $5.50. William M. Dean of Arkadelphia has been named by the Birmingham Ministerial Association to preach the annual sermon at the college church, McCoy Memorial Methodist,...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936 and 1900

    From the files of 1936 Shirley Martin, 14, of Walter, won the county spelling championship on Wednesday. Juanita Thrift, age 13, of White City was runner-up. Wren Goggans of Berlin has bought a new car. Carol Dean Bailey is County F.H.A. President. Billy Edward Johnson has the mumps. Registered...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936:

    The August Dahlke residence, nine miles from Cullman on the Jasper Highway, burned around 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. Alton Perdue’s chicken house burned on Saturday with a loss of 200 baby chickens. When Bobby Scofiled of Joppa returned to his stalled car on Ryan Mountain on...

    Veteran Memorial: PFC Windle Leon McDonald

    Windle Leon McDonald was born on December 1, 1922 in Cullman County. He was the son of E.G. and Winnie McDonald. The family lived at Route 2 in Hanceville. On December 7, 1942, Windle married Miss Ruby Davis.   He soon enlisted in the United States...

    Veteran Memorial: Neil Wade Jones

    Neil Wade Jones  Neil Wade Jones was born May 13, 1946 in Cullman County. He lived in Cullman and graduated in 1964 from Cullman High School where he played football. He enlisted in the United States Army and served during Vietnam.   Jones began his tour on...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936

    The Cullman County High School was closed on April 1, 1936, due to lack of funds. Mrs. Oldacre spoke to the student body on Monday morning in assembly. The Cullman County High School first opened in September of 1907 with an enrollment of 45...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1951

    Teen Chatter Out Friday night were: Leona Giles and Donald Patrick, Edigna Edwards and Bob Ward, Martha Pierce and Raymond Tucker, Jackie Culver and Kenneth Milligan, Wanda Baker and Jimmy Wood, Dottie Schlosser and Robert Bowling, Ellen Faye Shaw and Kitty Owen, Edna Perkins and...

    Veteran Memorial: Alex J. Dillashaw

    Alex J. Dillashaw was born Dec. 24, 1923, in Cullman County and lived in Garden City. His parents were Alec Monroe and Lethia Eugenia (Woodard) Dillashaw. He would register for the draft when he was 18 years old and served in World War II.   Dillashaw...

    Veteran Memorial: Jimmy Ray Waldrep

    Jimmy Ray Waldrep   Jimmy Ray Waldrep was born December 6, 1945 in Cullman County. His parents were Carvin and Vonda Lee (Galbreath) Waldrep and they lived in the Logan community. On November 26, 1965, Waldrep entered the recruitment office and enlisted in the United States...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1951

    New Harmony News Charley Benefield was buried at New Home last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carmon Maze spent last week with relatives in Gadsden. Mrs. Delia Noles and children, of Jasper, spent a few days last week with Uncle Scab Noles and other relatives who live here. Bethany...

    Veteran Memorial: Leon Nelson Harris

    Leon Nelson Harris  Leon Nelson Harris was born November 21, 1925 in Cullman County. His parents were Ele Nelson and Bertha Harris. Leon graduated with the Class of 1944 from Cullman County High School. He registered for the draft the day after his 18th birthday...

    Veteran Memorial: Drexel Fay Quattlebaum

    Drexel Fay Quattlebaum  Drexel Fay Quattlebaum was born April 28, 1925 in Cullman County. His parents were W. M. and Etta Mae (Thornton) Quattlebaum of Cullman. By the age of 18, Drexel was living in Nashville. The talented musician was working for the Milo Twins...

    Veteran Memorial: Jimmy Ray Waldrep

    Jimmy Ray Waldrep   Jimmy Ray Waldrep was born December 6, 1945 in Cullman County. His parents were Carvin and Vonda Lee (Galbreath) Waldrep and they lived in the Logan community. On November 26, 1965, Waldrep entered the recruitment office and enlisted in the United States...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1951

    North Walter News Mr. and Mrs. Leak Hosey, of Akron, Ohio, were the Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earnesteen Gable. Mrs. Johnnie Guthrie spent Saturday afternoon here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ratliff spent a few days last week in Birmingham. Mount View News Private Charles M....

    Veteran Memorial: Lt. Cmdr. Roger Blaine Thrasher

    Lt. Cmdr. Roger Blaine Thrasher  Roger Blaine Thrasher was born May 11, 1936 in Lawrence County, Alabama. He was the son of Cecil and Wilma (James) Thrasher. He enlisted with the United States Navy and was a 13-year Navy veteran when he served during the...

    Veteran Memorial: Jackson Moses Sinyard Jr. 

    Jackson Moses Sinyard Jr.   Jackson Sinyard Jr. was born June 19, 1932 in Cullman County. His parents were Jackson Moses Sinyard Sr. and Audie (Graves) Sinyard and they lived in the Brushy Pond Community. Jackson joined the United States Marine Corp and served during the...

    Veteran Memorial: Staff Sgt. Jerold Jerome Shelton

    Staff Sgt. Jerold Jerome Shelton  Jerold Jerome Shelton was born Oct. 27, 1947, in Cullman County. He was the son of Ms. Luesyble Shelton. By the time he finished high school, he had moved with his family to Samford, Connecticut.   After high school, Shelton was drafted...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1951

    Mr. and Mrs. Collidge Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Hughes visited Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Woodard, in Haleyville on Sunday.  Reverend Lewis Eidson is home from the Cullman Hospital, after undergoing an appendectomy on September 2.  The home of Mrs. Mabry, mother of Mrs. Ina...