Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1900


Mrs. Annie Mackentepe and son, after an extended trip to Cincinnati and other northern points, have returned home.

Nine cheeses, about $40 worth, were stolen from the depot last Monday night.

The J.H. Karter Company has just received a carload of Studebaker wagons, the best on the market. Adv.

Cullman will be lighted with electricity inside of ten days.

A.B. Brindley made a business trip to Montgomery on Wednesday.

T.D. McMinn went to Cincinnati this week to visit his father.

J.J. Fowler has purchased the M.L. Robertson property on Quality Hill.

Doctor W.S. Bean now has his office in the front room of the office occupied by Fred Buchmann.

The old street lamps have been taken down and are for sale.

R.B.F. Still of Trimble was in town on Wednesday.

S.J. Griffin and R.L. Hipp returned last Saturday from a trip to Winston Count, where they went in the interest of Mr. Hipp’s candidacy for State Senator.

John H. Ryan went to Birmingham on Monday.

J.J. Curtis went to Birmingham on Wednesday.

Doctor J.H. Walling of Vinemont was in Cullman on Wednesday.

At the regular meeting last Monday night, the city council elected J.B. Brown City Attorney and R.H. Baird City Physician.

Miss Franchette Davitt, a charming young lady of Funnel Hill, Kentucky, is the guest of Mrs. N.J. Coniff.

A.M. Weatherford, proprietor of the Cullman Telephone Exchange, made a business trip to Decatur this week.