Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934


From the files of 1904

Nathan Kelley will leave next week for the West.

Get your schoolbooks at C.A. Stiefelmeyer’s. Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. John Reese have been visiting relatives in Blount County.

C.C. Davis is visiting his mother at Walter.

J.H. Brandes had gone to Birmingham to tend the bar for his brother for several weeks.

Miss Emma Adkins has been in charge of the telephone exchange central this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Slason have moved to town and are occupying the Baptist parsonage.

Miss Mattie Wade and Carl Martin are visiting in South Alabama.

Miss Lillian and Herbert Fowler are visiting relatives in Walnut Grove.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day have returned from a visit with relatives in Hartselle.

The North Alabama Singing Convention will meet the second Sunday at Holly Pond.

S.H. Johnson spent a couple of weeks in Flint this week.

Professor James Kilpatrick has gone to the country to recuperate.

From the files of 1934

The first bale of 1934 cotton was brought to Cullman by L.J. Earwood of Route Four, Cullman. It weighed 505 pounds and was sold to G.W. Ponder, who paid Mr. Earwood 13 cents per pound for it.

Cullman High School has enrolled 366 students, the largest enrollment since 1930. There are 105 freshmen, 128 sophomores, 76 juniors and 57 seniors.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Yeager had as their guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Lamphear and daughter, Rhen of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The families became friends by correspondence, after Irene Yeager put her name and address in the bottom of a crate of strawberries five years ago and Rhea Lamphear wrote to her after her father purchased the crate.