Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1954


From the files of 1904

Miss Annie McConnell has returned to her studies in Tuscaloosa.

Mrs. Joseph Rudder returned Wednesday from an extended visit in Knoxville.

Captain R.P. Hobson will speak at the courthouse here today.

A.D. Brooks has purchased the D.O. McKoy farm, near Logan.

Harp Speegle left Tuesday for South America.

From the files of 1954

Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Corley of Vinemont celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on August 22, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Robert Bryant of Falkville. They have four children, Virgil, Floyd and James Corley and Mrs. Robert Bryant. They have twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Annette Gibbs was recently elected president of the Hanceville High Band. Other officers chosen were Glenda Plunkett, vice-president, Susie Whaley, secretary, Billy Welti, treasurer, Janice Loretta Chappell, reporter and Allen Fox and Frances Guy, Arms at Guard. The band’s new director is Hubert Guy of Lewisburg, Tennessee. Mr. Guy’s wife is also teaching choral music in the Hanceville schools. They have twin daughters, Frances and Marie. Band parents met with Mr. Guy last week to make plans for a new music library.

The Cullman Emblem Club entertained at a dinner party at the Elks Club recently honoring Miss Shirley Hamilton, Maid of Cotton. Mrs. Tignal Holmes presided and presented Miss Hamilton a train case, as a gift from the club. Mayor W.J. Nesmith made a brief talk. Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schlosser, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drake, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boike, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Mackentepe, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruehl, Mr. and Mrs. Powell Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Weissend, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Buettner, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schlosser, Misses Margaret Fife, Margaret Schlosser and Shirley Hamilton and Mesdames Tignal Holmes, Joe Michie, Ottis Burrow, James F. Berry, C.W. Garrison and Al Powandra.