Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1904 and 1934


From the files of 1904:

Professor J.L. Gibson has moved to Falkville, where he is in charge of the college there.

Miss Dora E. Schneider and Herman Richter were married on Thursday evening, at the home of the groom’s sister, Mrs. E.B. Hauk in West Cullman.

Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Devine, of Birmingham, are guests of Mrs. Devine’s father, H.B. Howard, of Good Hope.

Little Miss Frances Austin has returned from a visit to Birmingham.

Mr. and Mrs. R.O. Chance, of Jones Chapel, have gone to Georgia for an extended visit.

Mr. and Mrs. W.C. King, of Clarkson, are spending several weeks in Georgia.

J.A. McMinn has purchased a lot, near the W.A. Schlosser residence, in southwest town and will erect a handsome residence.

Miss Ollie Garrison, of Danville, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Leroy McEntire. Harry Lightfoot received an offer the other day, made by a theatrical company for $50 per week. This show has great popularity. However, he had to turn down the handsome offer because of business at Vinemont.

A.J. Nix is planning to teach a Sacred Harp singing school at Pleasant Grove.

Miss Rilla Guthery is the guest of Mrs. Lucy Guthery.

J.W. Leak killed seven turkeys, at one shot last week.

When you need job printing done – Phone 5. Adv.

Miss Annie Brooks is visiting in Kentucky.

Scott Leeth’s little boy, Winfield, was injured when he fell from a fence last week, but is now okay.

Miss Susie Graves has returned from a five months’ stay in Chicago.

From the files of 1934:

Married on August 9 were Miss Mildred Wilhite and Emil Wenzil.

According to the school census, recently completed here, there are 1,005 persons, between the ages of 6 and 21, living in the city. The total number of persons living inside the city limits is 3,674.

Cullman County people attending Howard College summer school are Earl York, Dewey Ryan, R.E. Glaze, Herman Thomas, Forrest Patrick, R.R. Riggins, Judson Gladney, Birdie Lee Thompson, Zelma Self, Bessie Walker and Florine Creel.