Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950 and 1900


From the files of 1950:

Mrs. Fred Kelley and Charles, Junior are here to visit her mother, Mrs. C.W. Sandlin, who is seriously ill.

Cullman upset Saint Bernard in first round action of the county basketball tournament, 41 to 40. There was a minute left to play when Saint Bernard guard, Postom, sank a free throw to break the tie, then Cullman’s Asa Blalock hit the winning field goal as the clock expired. Other Cullman scorers were Robinson 16, Doss 9, Bobby Blalock 9, Edwards 3 and

Dahlke 2.

Those being treated at the hospital include Mesdames Mittie Teague, John L. Link, R.B. Boatright, William D. Lamont, Roy Self, Lee Willingham, Dennis Blalock, Thomas Phillips, J.W. Bates,

H.L. Couch, R.W. Hughes, G.W. White,

C.A. Smith, E.J. Morrow, Charles Shultz, Elwin Waldrop, Ed Evans and I.P. Speegle and Messers Will Dean, J.G. Allred, Thomas Reynolds, Elmer Johnson, Elbert Kilgo, James H. Yates, Boyce Smith, E.E. Cagle, Eddie Baker, Edward Hinkle and Misses Sue White, Anita Plunkett, Doris Jean Northcutt, Temple Murphree, Dora Williams and Baby Decca Kilpatrick.

Mrs. Carl Kinney, Mrs. C.V. Padgett, Mrs. Ed Ziegler and Mrs. Harry Parker were in charge of the ham and egg breakfast for the Bob Sapp Sunday School class las Sunday. The class was organized in 1941.

Mrs. Lizzie Daniel is the West Cullman Baptist Association Young Leader this year.

William P. Alldredge, age 67, died on Tuesday. Services were held at Emeus. He is survived by sons: J.A., R.C., J.B. and A. Alldredge and daughters: Mrs. Winnie Davis, Mrs. Edith Sherrill Pitts and Mrs. Mildred Butts.

Miss Mary Ellen McAfee and Millard Freeman were married on January 20.

Zach Burrow of Bethany died last week after a long illness.

Mrs. Jim Hale of Upshaw suffered a heart attack last week.

Mrs. H.G. Pinkston and Carole are ill this week.

From the files of 1900:

Hugh Williams, Junior, is out again after a light attack of mumps.

Chris Scheuing has ordered an entire new outfit of buggies, harnesses, etc. for his livery stable.

James C. Calvert of Bremen, one of the foremost candidates for Tax Assessor, spent some time electioneering in Cullman last week.