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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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    Tag: Tribune Archives

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936

    The Cullman County High School was closed on April 1, 1936, due to lack of funds. Mrs. Oldacre spoke to the student body on...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1954

    Sergeant First Class Taylor Weldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weldon, spent a few days at home last week and will return to...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1954:

    Dear Sir: I wish to extend my congratulations on the eightieth birthday of The Cullman Tribune. The writer is a bit older, having been born...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1954

    Mr. Persall, who was born in Newton County, Georgia on February 6, 1869, came to Cullman County when he was 19 years old. His...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920: On Sunday, September 19, 1920 a big dinner was given at the home of William E. Grimmett, near Good Hope....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the Files of 1900: The length of public schools in this county will be increased this year from three to four and-half months. The Tribune-Gazette...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900: M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont. Doctor W.A. Barclift of Hartselle is having a cottage...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936: Joe C. Sapp spent Monday in Birmingham. Coroner J. Grady Moss has a sprained ankle. Professor and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1916, 1920

    From the files of 1916: W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham. The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant. A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the files of 1902: Since the new bell, recently presented to the M.E. Church South, has been properly hung, its volume and tone are...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1952

    From the files of 1952: Gerald Sandlin, age seven, was seriously injured earlier this week when he was hit by an automobile near his home...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1933, 1952

    From the Files of 1933: Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith at...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936

    From the files of 1936: Ralph H. Sanders is the new minister at the First Christian Church in Cullman. He is a native of Savannah,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900: Miss Fannie Watts of Etha is attending music school at Holly Pond. D.E. Jones is postmaster at Jones Chapel. The sixth annual...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the files of 1900: The weather this week is the warmest of the season. E. Hauk is having a well drilled on his lot on...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1930: Professor and Mrs. R.P. Johnston spent last weekend in Nashville with relatives. The Cullman Baptist Association will meet, with Etha Baptist...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1900: Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store. Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the files of 1950: Henry Ford Turner of Hanceville is working on his doctorate at the University of Alabama. Three men were arrested, on Sunday,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936: Congressman-elect, Luther Patrick of Birmingham will speak at the Cullman County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. It is...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1932, 1933

    From the files of 1932: Miss Mildred Kinney was hostess at the Entre Amies meeting Thursday evening. The Fidelity Club met recently with Misses Marie and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the files of 1902: Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Crider, formerly of Loretto, now of Jefferson County, were visiting friends here last week. Mrs. Casper Arnold,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1952

    From the Files of 1952: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horton of Hanceville were guests on the Bud Collyer, Toni Break the Bank Television program. They...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1952, 1957

    From the Files of 1952: L.W. Yates is serving as Superintendent of Cullman City Schools. F.G. Manley brought a giant persimmon into the Tribune office this...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Second Blast Victim Dies Edwin Earl Howard, 16, the second victim of the explosion here on June 16, which had...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: New Harmony News Vester Plunkett is ill in the Arab Hospital. Jim Tom Noles is in a Birmingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Friends and relatives who visited Aunt Lula Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pike during last week were Mr. and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Akers Family Reunion The annual Akers family reunion was held on June 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.M....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the Files of 1940: Census Shows Cullman to Lead in Farms and Industries, 7th District In a complete return of the Business and Manufacturers,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the Files of 1940: Logan News Jackie Rushing is spending the week in Birmingham with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Logan will go to Ponders this...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1917, 1940

    From the Files of 1917: Mrs. Bud Butler, of Holly Pond, remains dangerously ill. Mrs. George Parker was hostess to members of the Priscilla Sewing Club...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1898, 1917, 1930

    From the Files of 1898: J.H. Karter, of Cullman, holds the honor of building the first store in Vinemont. It will probably later be as...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900: Alvin Ahlrichs has purchased the Cullman Telephone Exchange and the office will be moved to the Protest Building. Arrangements have...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the Files of 1936: Everyone is disappointed that schools are closing from lack of funds. Students will not be promoted. Misses Opal Lee and Virginia...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1936

    From the Files of 1902: Searcy Johnson is now operating the telegraph office at the depot at night. Misses Claude Allred and Maude Jones visited in...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1932, 1952

    From the Files of 1932: Inez and Bertie Young spent Saturday night with their sister, Mrs. H.J. Mize. Attending the quilting at Mrs. Henry Mobley’s on...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1908, 1932, 1933

    From the Files of 1908: The county teachers institute was held at Joppa with County Superintendent D.V. Smith presiding. Cullman has secured the county high school,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the Files of 1902: Mrs. Louis Nebrig of Garden City was seriously injured when a wild cow hooked her down and trampled her in...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1952

    From the Files of 1902: J.A. McMinn has just opened a full line of groceries at his old stand. A.W. Lancaster has gone to Falkville to...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1933, 1952

    From the Files of 1933: Miss Blanche Linton was married to Mr. Paul Burks at the Vinemont Baptist Church. Miss Miriam Boyd of Hartford and Rayburn...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1933, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: E.M. Brundridge left Tuesday for the Lone Star State. G.S. Leeth and Bob Lee returned from Saint Louis on Tuesday. Each...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1954

    From the Files of 1904: Married Sunday at 3 p.m. were Miss Addie Smith and Wiley Burks. C.W. Holmes, formerly of Unity is now a businessman...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1954

    From the Files of 1954: Killed instantly at 6:30 Wednesday morning was Carl Milligan, 35, of Bangor. The accident occurred at the Garden City Heading...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1937, 1954

    From the Files of 1904: A lively group of Decaturites came to Vinemont on Saturday and spent the day hunting chestnuts. Born to Mr. and Mrs....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: School opened at Enon on Monday with Herbert Alldridge and Ethel Brown Harris as teachers. We are sorry to report that...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: The Cullman Bearcats lost to Tuscaloosa Count High, 19-6. The lone Cullman score was set up by Marion Woodall, who...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the Files of 1902: J.W. Arnett has sold his farm at Joppa and will leave in a few days for Louisiana. Reverend J.E. Creel preached...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1952

    From the Files of 1902: Since the new bell, recently presented to the M.E. Church South has been properly hung, its volume and tone are...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1933, 1952

    From the Files of 1933: Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith, at...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: C.F.J. Hartung, M.D., came home from Chattanooga this week. Louis Owen, Esquire and Frank Johnson, of Bremen, were in town this...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: Teachers Hanceville – J.R. Edmondson, Principal, James Cooper, Frances Fraser, Joe Ray, Dixie Christian, Beatrice Alexander, Mrs. Lucille Rowell, Beulah...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: County Board of Education: R.E. Moore, Superintendent; Doctor J.G. Daves, President; T.F. Gladney, Vice- President; Judge Tankersley; A. Pinkerton and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: Warm, dry weather continues. Arthur Sanderman is behind the counter at Vinemont Grocery Company. Indications point to a victory for the Democratic...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937, 1954

    From the Files of 1937: October is here -the month of witches, black cats and spooks. Already at Fairview High we are looking forward to...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1905, 1935

    From the Files of 1905: Work on the new Baptist church in West Cullman is progressing nicely. S.A. Hamilton has moved back to Cullman from Hartselle. J.E....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1905, 1931

    From the Files of 1905: On November 29th Miss Eda Dreher and T.D. McMinn were married with Reverend W.H. Aufderhaar officiating. A.G. Glasscock and G.W. Ratliff...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920: Rice Town news listed several people who attended the decoration at Hopewell on the third Sunday in May, including: Paul...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920: The cost of maintaining United States troops in Germany was $175,000.00 a day in 1920. Hugh Lee Tipton, Venora House, Marvin...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920 Sympathy was extended to the Wash Gorman and the Dee Stricklin families in the passing of two devoted Christian women. The...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1930, 1936

    From the Files of 1930: Professor and Mrs. R.E. Moore are building a beautiful new home in South Park. Both the ladies of Saint John’s Church...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the Files of 1900: Leroy D. Box, of Beat 12 was in the city on Monday. Jeff Griffin and family left for Oklahoma, on Wednesday. Miss...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900 G.W. Hancock killed a rattlesnake in his yard a few days ago, which measured four and one-half feet long, eight...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900 J.W. Griffin spent Tuesday in Falkville. Dan Reinschmidt, of Columbus, Georgia arrived in Cullman the first of the week. George W....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the Files of 1936: $75,000 dollars have been approved for Alabama to help drought-stricken families. G.W. Thom, of Hanceville, has announced his candidacy for the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the Files of 1936: The Jetton reunion held on the Fourth of July had forty people present, including some relatives from Blount County. Mrs. Charlie...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1930, 1950

    From the Files of 1930: Miss Eunice Martin will attend Hamilton College in Lexington, Kentucky, this fall. Miss Eleanor Lee will attend Judson College, this fall. Misses...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1936

    From the Files of 1900: Miss Minnie Boyd and J. Adams were married on August 6th. Otis and Avery Kinney took in the singing at Sandlin’s...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1956

    From the Files of 1900 Henry Rehling, well-known and highly esteemed farmer, died here on Wednesday. J.R. Griffin and little son spent Wednesday in Birmingham. A number...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1956

    From the Files of 1956 Walter News Arthur Sutton spent Thursday and Friday in Montgomery. Mrs. H.H. Segler and Mrs. W.R. Gable, of Cullman, spent Saturday...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1956

    From the Files of 1956: Garden City News Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chappell and daughter, Patty Ann, of Chicago, Illinois spent the weekend with Mr. and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1939

    From the Files of 1939: Hanceville Happenings Funeral services for Mr. J.W. Rice, 84-year-old resident of Hanceville, Route Three, who passed away on December 1st,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1939

    From the Files of 1939: Hanceville Happenings Horace Griffith and grandson, Vann Gamble spent Sunday in Birmingham, with Mrs. Griffith, at the Highland Avenue Baptist...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1919, 1939

    From the Files of 1919: Miss Alberta Ziegler entertained a few of her friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ziegler...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1954

    From the Files of 1954: According to Marvin Ashwander, there will be a coon-on-log contest at the Guyles Combs pond on July 24th, at Steppville. Mr....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1934, 1954

    From the Files of 1934: Spencer Speegle, who is attending summer school at A.P.I., spent the weekend at home. Miss Lola Beth Francisco, of Nashville, Tennessee...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: The Right Reverend Benedict Menges, O.S.B. Abbott of Saint Bernard died on Monday, after a long illness. He founded the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: Bernard Fromholdt died Thursday morning at the Cullman Hospital about 5 o’clock a.m. He was taken to the hospital on...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937, 1957

    From the Files of 1937: Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Newton are building a new home in the city at Fourth Street, between Seventh and Eighth...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Enon and Hamby’s Chapel Miss Rosalind Holmes is home from Washington D.C. to spend three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Gum Pond News Mrs. Nora Smith visited Mrs. Trixie Caudle one evening last week. Mrs. Caudle came home on Monday...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the files of 1940: Beech Grove News Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fowler and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler this weekend and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the files of 1940: Beech Grove News Miss Melba Livingston, of Good Hope, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Johnson spent the weekend at...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the files of 1940: Helton Rites Held Mrs. Della Helton, age 60, of Cullman, Route Three, died on May 10th. Funeral services were held...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1917, 1937

    From the files of 1917: Reverend R. Pfeiffer is the new pastor of Saint John’s Church. Miss Helen Masserman has returned to Seymore, Indiana after a...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1903, 1933

    From the files of 1903: The depot here was destroyed by fire on Monday morning, between 2 and 3 o’clock. The night operator, S.H. Johnson,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1953

    From the files of 1953: Pascal Gaddis has bought a new car. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Noles, of Texas, were visiting relatives here last week. Ralph...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1953, 1963

    From the files of 1953: Eva News Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphree, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Murphree, Miss Eulala Murphree and Bertis Cagle, of Cullman,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1963

    From the Files of 1963: Valley Grove News Reverend and Mrs. Charles Lindsey and family, of Lacon, Emit Hines and Mrs. Donna Huffman and Allan were...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1972, 1928

    From The Files Of 1972 Hinkle Reunion Attending the annual Hinkle family reunion, at Rickwood Caverns, on Sunday were: Coleman and Edna Sanford, Jack R. And...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1954, 1994

    From the Files of 1954: Picnicking at the swinging bridge on Tuesday were: Nell Ann Durham and Jack Perkins, Mary Ann Speer and Bill...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920, 1954

    From the Files of 1920: The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Wallace are glad to know that their two children are slowly recovering...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1934, 1954

    From the Files of 1934: Married on Saturday at the home of Reverend J.E. Marion were Alvin Brannon and Miss Della Ham. Mr. Brannon...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900: Dickerman has purchased the sawmill belonging to V. Turney, near Vinemont. Doctor W.A. Barclift, of Hartselle, is having a cottage erected...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the Files of 1950: The Democrats captured the local offices on Tuesday. B.F. Fant defeated Hubert E. Mitchell for State Senator, Kenneth J....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936: The beloved preacher, Reverend B.E. Fulmer is pastor at Ebenezer this year. School opened on Monday. Mr. Chaney and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the Files of 1900: County Health Officer Yielding, of Walter, was here on Wednesday. R.W. Wiley, of Joppa, was here on Monday. A.J. York attended the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the Files of 1950: Fairview West News Mrs. G.M. Purdy, who has had double pneumonia, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. R.V. Baldwin and children, of...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the Files of 1950: Fairview Organizes P.T.A. Parents and teachers of the Fairview School area have had two meetings, recently. The outgrowth of these meetings...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1918 and 1938

    From the Files of 1918: On September 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Herzig, Miss...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1958

    From the Files of 1958: Garden City News Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dillashaw and daughter, of Pontiac, Michigan, are visiting relatives here. They were called here...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1958

    From the Files of 1958: Johnson Family Reunion Members of the late Isaac Johnson, Senior family enjoyed a reunion on Sunday, at Brushy Lake, in the...