Files from Yesteryear: 1937


From the Files of 1937:

School opened at Enon on Monday with Herbert Alldridge and Ethel Brown Harris as teachers.

We are sorry to report that Mr. James Easterwood has sold his farm here and with his family will go to make their home in Tennessee.

Hugh Edmondson and Julian Holmes visited Hulaco on business on Monday afternoon. Mr. Holmes also stopped at Bakers Nursery and purchased a nice supply of fruit trees for his farm.

Rufus Beal and C.B. Gentry made a business trip to Cullman on Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and children, of Akron, Ohio, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Smith and Mrs. Emily Smith, of this place.

Miss Cleoh Murphree and nephew, Mr. Earl Otwell, of Akron, seriously damaged their car recently, when they ran off a fill near Ardmore, after a tire had blown out. Miss Murphree and Mr. Otwell, who had been visiting relatives in Tennessee, escaped injury.

The home of Doctor and Mrs. Thomas Arthur Robinson was the scene of the marriage of their daughter, Charity Elizabeth and Leonard T. Wagnon on Sunday morning, October 24, which was the silver anniversary of the bride’s parents’ wedding.

An improvised altar of fern and southern smilax, interspersed with giant white chrysanthemums and four standards of white flowers formed a gorgeous background for the wedding party.

Mrs. J. William Arnold rendered a program of nuptial music, preceding and during the ceremony.

Mrs. James H. Call lighted the tapers.

Misses Ezelle Bonner, Cleoh Murphree and Johnnie Blanche Holmes attended a show in Cullman on Saturday night.

The Good Hope P.T.A. met on Thursday night, October 1. Twenty-five paid members were present. The parent education study course is beginning, as sponsored by P.T.A. magazine. After the program everyone is invited to a big warm friendly bonfire in the yard, given implements and invited to roast wieners and marshmallows in such a friendly environment. A fine sociable hour was enjoyed, made more so by Doctor and Mrs. J.C. Lewis and Miss Mary Clyde Garner, who were welcomed as guests but left holding our deepest respect and friendship. They seemed as one of the “Old Gang.”

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