Files from Yesteryear: 1917, 1937


From the files of 1917:

Reverend R. Pfeiffer is the new pastor of Saint John’s Church.

Miss Helen Masserman has returned to Seymore, Indiana after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bertis Mackentepe.

Miss Irene Weggemen has graduated from Sacred Heart Academy, having completed a stenographic course there.

Mrs. Leigh Taliaferro and little daughter have returned to Nashville, Tennessee after a visit with the Leeth family.

Mrs. T. Ezekiel has returned to her home in Birmingham after a visit with the P.G. Hartungs.

The Y.W. A. girls met with Mrs. Dwight Fuller on Wednesday.

Strawberries are bringing $3 per crate and eggs 33 cents a dozen in the Birmingham market.

Miss Flora Thom, of Hanceville, spent Sunday with Miss Thelma Kinney.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peinhardt on May 11th was a daughter.

Clay Smith is spending ten days in Oklahoma on business.

Doctor and Mrs. W.J. Cottingham and Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Mason are spending several days in Corinth, Mississippi.

Mrs. Julia Gillespie was the guest of friends, in Hanceville, on Sunday enroute to Saint Charles, Kentucky, to spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morrow.

Ed Chandler has returned home from Akron, Ohio, where he has been employed.

Major James W. Monroe, only surviving son of President Monroe, who is 101, has applied to the Atlanta, Georgia recruiting station trying to enlist for active army duty. He is a veteran of the Mexican Wars.

From the files of 1937:

Marshall Bates, messenger boy for Postal Telegraph, was injured about seven a.m. on Monday, when a truck hit the bicycle he was riding.

Charlie Mann, of Route Two, Cullman dropped dead while plowing in his field, on May 15th.

Mrs. Venus Pate will go to Boaz this weekend to attend the graduation exercises of Snead Junior College, where her son, Winfield will be graduated.

Reverend and Mrs. J.E. Marion and Sue Carrol are spending this week in New Orleans.

The Cullman Library, sponsored by The Coterie, is kept open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and is located in the City Clerk’s office.

Miss Hazel Goff, of Enterprise and Virgil O. Callaham, of Vinemont, were married on Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the Mount Zion Church, which had been designed by the bridegroom early in his career as an architect.

Jack Aiken, of Cullman County and at present a freshman at Howard College will go to New York this summer for auditions with N.B.C. and Columbia Broadcasting Systems and has also been invited to Hollywood. He has already gained a wide reputation as a singer.

Mrs. Leroy Bledsoe was hostess to her bridge club on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Grayott have returned from a 4,000 mile motor trip, which took them through Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio. They were gone five weeks.

Among the speakers at the Sixth District Rural Letter Carriers at Pinson on May 31stwill be Milo R. Dickerman of Cullman.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoelscher and Misses Lou Spinks and Gaynelle Matthews spent last week in Atlanta.

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