Files from Yesteryear: 1940


From the Files of 1940:

Census Shows Cullman to Lead in Farms and Industries, 7th District

In a complete return of the Business and Manufacturers, Population and Housing and Agricultural Census of 1940, issued by E.R. Harris, Seventh District Supervisor at Jasper, Cullman led the other eight counties, which included Blount, Fayette, Lamar, Franklin, Marion, Pickens, Walker and Winston in numbers of industries and business and in number of farms, although Walker County’s population, the only one higher than Cullman’s, numbered almost 20,000 more.

Hanceville Happenings

Miss Louise Frank left last week for a visit to her sister in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mrs. O.O. Wilhite, of Birmingham and Mrs. R.A. Pfiester, left Monday for a visit to relatives in Akron, Ohio.

Judson Gladney and his guest, Mr. Parrish, of Birmingham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Gladney.

Mrs. John Dean spent Saturday in Memphis, Tennessee with her sister, Mrs. Lillian Jochum.

George McFadden, who recently received his degree at Auburn has arrived to take the place of E.S. Collier as Agriculture teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Collier will leave soon for their new home at Wetumpka.

Reverend and Mrs. E.A. McGriff spent Monday night in Huntsville with relatives.

Mrs. H.C. Blizzard, of Decatur, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wiggins.

Mrs. S.E. Lindsey and daughter, Theda Gail, of Birmingham, spent several days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Howell.

Mrs. Robert Linton, of Vinemont, is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. Jim Griffith.

Miss Jean Gantt has recently accepted a job at the county agent’s office in Cullman.

Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Jackson and Mrs. J.W. Airhart, of Cullman, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.N. McNutt on Sunday.

Mrs. Azelle Morris and son, Elbert, of Birmingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Kelly, last week.

Miss Aina Ratliff, of Bessemer, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Warren.

Van Allen and Ted Johnson, of Fort Payne, visited friends on Thursday afternoon.

Bob and Allen Rouse, of Warrior, visited their cousins, Cleon, Jack and Billy Allbritton.

Mrs. Picky Waldrop spent several days of this week in Decatur.

Beginning on Sunday, all the services and meetings of the Lutheran Church will be conducted on Central Standard Time instead of the Daylight Saving Time.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Edwards, Mrs. Eudena Robertson and children of Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. George Devine of Town Creek visited Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Robertson, on Sunday.

Miss Phasia Eidson, of Warrior, was the guest of Misses Flay Nelle and Wilda Butler last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgie Oden are spending this week in Trafford with Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Higginbotham.

Mrs. Nettie Turner spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Gray.

Miss Helen Warren gave a swimming party on Friday at Vinemont Lake. Those included were Misses Ruthella Ashwander, Eleanor McNutt, Era Ann Gray, Katherine Wunderlich, Mrs. Clint Warren, Mrs. Grady Bland and Mrs. Steve Warren, Junior.


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