Files from Yesteryear: 1940


From the Files of 1940:

Logan News

Jackie Rushing is spending the week in Birmingham with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Logan will go to Ponders this weekend to take advantage of the reduced prices on white shoes. Some are as low as 49 cents.

Miss Odis Watson, of Birmingham, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Denson.

Mr. and Mrs. Elton Trimble were the Sunday guests of her sister, Mrs. Calvin Kilgo.

Mr. and Mrs. H.N. Trimble and children were the Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and children went to the boat races at Guntersville on Sunday.

Charon Denson has returned to Boston University, where he received his M.A. Degree this spring. He will continue graduate study on a S.T.B. Degree.


Welti News

Elbert Glasscock called on Corine Byrd on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Welti will go to Ponders this weekend to take advantage of the reduced prices on white shoes. Some are as low as 49 cents per pair.

David Vanzandt, Herbert Vanzandt, Willard Jordon, Kester Hamrick, Nelson Armstrong, Alvin Eidson and Dennis Curkdoil went to the show on Friday night.

Melvin Hightower, Clara Hightower and Ida Helton went to the show on Saturday night.

Mary Hamrick spent Sunday afternoon with Ivolene Buchanan.

Sarah Armstrong spent Saturday night with Delores Byrd.

Grace and Mary Nell Eidson are spending this week at Garden City.


In a report from the Bureau of Census, listing Alabama counties and the amount of cotton ginned and produced in each county, Cullman led the entire state with 40,083 bales reported produced in the crop year of 1939. Only 38,329 bales were ginned in the county for this year.

Last year’s ginning report gave DeKalb County 39,934 bales and  Marshall County 38,827 bales, both over the Cullman ginning report, conveying the impression that Cullman ranked third in the state.

Marshall County grew 38,849 bales, DeKalb 38,319 and the total for the state stood at 772,961 bales.


Mrs. Albert Kempson and two children, Peggy Sue and Albert, Junior, of Akron, are visiting relatives and friends in Cullman for about two weeks.

Mrs. H.O. Thompson is much improved, following several days illness at her home.


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