Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1933, 1934


From the Files of 1904:

E.M. Brundridge left Tuesday for the Lone Star State.

G.S. Leeth and Bob Lee returned from Saint Louis on Tuesday. Each one had purchased a car load of mules for their customers.

J.T. Morgan’s sawmill at Clarkson is now in operation.

From the Files of 1933:

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.F. McGukin of Cullman on October 17, was a nine pound son, whom they have named John Gary.

Forest Patrick, popular principal of Simcoe Junior High School was a business visitor to Cullman, on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Forney Fuller and Mrs. B.M. Nash attended the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. Endsley, in Birmingham, last Tuesday.

J.A. Perdue of the Trade area was in the city on Friday. He added his name to the list of Tribune readers.

Professor and Mrs. J.H. McCarn, of Bremen and their guest, Mrs. Barker of

West Virginia, were in Cullman on Saturday attending the teacher’s meeting and honored the Tribune with a visit.

Charley Walker was in Cullman on Wednesday enroute to Duck River to attend the Baptist Association meeting as a delegate from his church, The First Baptist Church of Vinemont.

From the Files of 1934:

A milch cow belonging to M.A. Oliver of Joppa was shot on Monday, after she had been found to have rabies. She had been ill about a week and had been kept in a stall and closely watched.

Married on October 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.B. House were Miss Flora House and T.B. Rogers.

In the general election, on Tuesday, Homer F. Mitchell, Republican was elected Probate Judge over J.M. Kilpatrick, Democrat. The vote was 3,077 for Mitchell and 3,074 for Kilpatrick.

Democratic nominees won in other elections in the county elected were Grady Gorham, Circuit Clerk; Doctor J.G. Daves and Charlie Gorham, School Board; Ellis Burns, Tax Assessor; J.A. Bryant, Tax Collector and J.E. Pierce, Sheriff.

Mrs. L.D. Henderson, Mrs. L.H. Bradford, Mrs. S.Y. Styles and Mrs. A.P. Rounds attended the district meeting of H.D.C. County Councils in Birmingham on Tuesday.

Cullman defeated Bridgeport, 12-0 on Friday.

Earl Calvert was seriously injured on Wednesday night in an auto accident. Riding in the car with Earl at the time of the accident were Orvell and Clemon Calvert, who were only slightly injured.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesmith have named their baby daughter, Mary Ruth.

The 52nd annual session of the Cullman County Baptist Association was held at Good Hope last week. Officers elected were Reverend V. Sizemore, moderator, Reverend E. Marion, vice-moderator and O.D. Horsley clerk.

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