Files from Yesteryear: 1903, 1933


From the files of 1903:

The depot here was destroyed by fire on Monday morning, between 2 and 3 o’clock. The night operator, S.H. Johnson, discovered the fire, which some believe caught from sparks from a freight train, which passed some 20 or 30 minutes before the fire was seen. The loss will be at least $5,000.

I.O.O.F. Cullman Encampment Member 48 was organized, on Thursday night, with 15 members. Officers installed were W.A. Hack, Chief Patriarch, R.I. Burke, Senior Warden, O.S. Roden, High Priest, George Stiefelmeyer, Junior Warden, J.D. Searcy, secretary, R.E. Lee, treasurer, John Allgood, inside sentinel and H.S. Lockhart, outside sentinel.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Knight last week was a baby boy.

Josh Imbusch left for Germany on Wednesday.

Born on Saturday, October 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie York, was a son.

Born on Sunday, October 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller, was a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. William Richard are rejoicing over the arrival of another girl.

Misses Loretta Hays and Ruby Hanlin went to Birmingham on Saturday to see Barnum’s big show.

The new accommodation from Birmingham will begin regular runs next month.

Mayor George Beyer and Miss Theresa Hoelscher attended the state fair and big circus in Birmingham on Saturday.

Miss Itasca Scott and R.E. Huff were married, at the courthouse, on Wednesday.

William O. Meisner, Colonel Cullman’s right bower in the settlement of the colony, in 1873, stopped in Cullman, enroute to Birmingham, on Tuesday from his home in Courtland.


From the files of 1933:

Reverend W.O. House, age 59, died on Sunday and only 48 hours later his daughter, Mozelle, died. Both had been ill only about a week.

Married this week were Mill Little Mae Craven and Cleve Williams.

Cotton is bringing 9 ½ cents a pound on the street, today.

W.T. Chambers, age 61, picked 301 pounds of cotton, in his field on October 18th. On the same day, in 1892, when he was 20 years old he picked 581 pounds, in the same field.

Herbert Wagner has been made manager of the Brothers Store, by Highway 31.

Married on Thursday were Miss Blanche Linton, daughter of Reverend and Mrs. J.T. Linton and Paul Burks, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Burks.

Married on Friday were Miss Miriam Boyd, of Hartford and Rayburn J. Fisher, of Cullman. Both have been members of the Tuscaloosa County High School faculty for the last few years.

Professor Byron Gibson, of Bargerville, Kentucky, will spend this weekend here with relatives.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.F. McGukin, on October 17th, a son whom they have named John Gary.

The Alumni, of Fairview School met on October 20th, for their annual banquet. Officers elected were R.C. Lipscomb, president, Shelly McClendon, vice-president, Mary Keaton, secretary and Maude Hesterley, reporter.

The Cullman Bearcats lost to the Decatur Red Devils, 13 to 0.

The five members of the National Honor Society, at Cullman High School, are Gladys Canant, Kathleen Calvert, Elsa Kempson, Violet Horton and Raymont Saxara.


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