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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1900 Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store. Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle store building. S.M. Allison has opened a jewelry shop, near the Bargain Store. Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Heidelburg will leave the last...

    Files from yesteryear: 1903, 1933

    From the files of 1903 Fred Betz is building two cottages for rent. Reverend C.E. Sheibe and John Engel left on Tuesday, to a conference in New Orleans. Doctor and Mrs. W.H. Martin and pretty little daughter, of Hanceville, were in the city, shopping, yesterday. Ernest Hancock makes...

    Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1938

    From the files of 1918   Mrs. John Lewis and children, of Birmingham, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Linton. Colonel and Mrs. A.A. Griffith and son, Kenneth, have returned home from a two- week visit to Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee. Miss Lily Clapp,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1951

    From the files of 1951 Oak Level News Reverend J.S. Shults filled his appointment here on Sunday and Sunday night. Mrs. Loy Hinkle, Freida and Frances, attended the wedding of their daughter, Reba Faye and Talmadge Vaughn on Saturday night. They are now honeymooning in Texas. Mr. and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1930 The bodies of two Cullman County soldiers arrived home, Emory McConnell and Ulyses Yeager. Mr. Jessie Smith is erecting a cotton gin at Simcoe. W.C. Waldrop and wife attended the two-day Union Harp singing at Old Redan Church and reported a fine...

    Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936

    From the files of 1930 The County Board of Education has moved into its newly remodeled building, which is one of the finest in the state. Mrs. T.A. Smith had charge of the P.T.A. program on Tuesday. A book week program was given and Mrs. M.H....

    Walking through history

    CULLMAN, Ala. - Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, marked the 15th anniversary of the Cullman Oktoberfest Candlelight Walking Tour. This year’s tour focused on the 1940s, before and after World War II, and saw tour guides Michael Sullins and Julie Burks took on the personas of...

    TONIGHT! 15th annual Historic Cullman Candlelight Walking Tour to highlight Cullman in the 1940s

    CULLMAN, Ala. – Michael Sullins will host the 15th annual Historic Cullman Candlelight Walking Tour at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024. The tour will begin at the Cullman Depot, 301 First Ave. NE by Depot Park. This year’s focus will be on...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900 The length of public schools in this county will be increased this year from three to four and-half months. The Tribune-Gazette this week goes to a seven column paper, from a six column. Probate Judge, S.L. Fuller has received warrants for 253...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the files of 1900 M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont. Doctor W.A. Barclift of Hartselle is having a cottage erected on the bluff, overlooking the Vinemont railroad station and will use it as a summer home. Swiss and Limberger cheese...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936   Joe C. Sapp spent Monday in Birmingham. Coroner J. Grady Moss has a sprained ankle. Professor and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville, were in Cullman on Saturday. Mrs. Conrad Howard and Miss Trichel Cordes spent Tuesday in Birmingham. Doctor and Mrs. C.E. Herrin and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1905, 1935

    From the files of 1905 The Ladies Symphony and a number of friends met at the M.L. Robertson home on the 27th. Presenting the program of piano and vocal selections were Mesdames, Beyer, Brown, Hartwig, Hays, Dreher, Coe, Parker and Miller and Misses McMinn and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936 Congressman-elect, Luther Patrick, of Birmingham, will speak at the Cullman County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. It is a meeting of the Roosevelt Club and a Democratic Rally for Cullman County. The L.O. Brock family are building a new...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1900:   M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont. Doctor W.A. Barclift, of Hartselle, is having a cottage erected on the bluff, overlooking the Vinemont railroad station and will use it as a summer home. Mrs. M.W. Howard stopped...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the files of 1900 The Polytechnic College will close Friday and the scholars will picnic at Blue Hole on Saturday. Mrs. Judge Fuller and pretty little daughter, Gladys and Miss Caroline Schlosser visited Birmingham this week. Oster and “Baby” McMinn returned home on Tuesday, from Memphis,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1964

    From the files of 1964 W.F. Looney Dies Funeral services were held on January 22nd, at the Corinth West Church, for William Frazer Looney, age 73, of Route Three, Vinemont, who died at his residence on January 20th. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Callie Looney; one brother,...

    Cullman County Historical Society hosts Flying Fifty Hotel presentation

    CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Historical Society hosted its regularly scheduled meeting at the Cullman County Museum Sunday afternoon and enjoyed a special presentation on the new Flying Fifty Hotel from Owners Paul and Challie Knetter. The Knetters began working on this project in...

    Files from yesteryear: 1952

    From the files of 1952 Hanceville cheerleaders this year ae Jo Vaughn, Hail Thomas, Belva Sue Johnson, Eleanor Gay Chappell, Margaret Johnson, Barbara Ann Johnson and Mona Ann Seibert. Private A.P. Alvis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Alvis, formerly of Garden City was killed in...

    Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936

    From the files of 1930 Miss Eunice Butler has recently graduated from Alverson Business College in Birmingham. Mrs. John Luyben and Mrs. F. Mallery were joint hostesses on Thursday at a Valentine party for the Michigan Card Club. Mrs. Alvie Biggers, Mrs. Ewing Wallace, Mrs. Harry Schlosser...

    Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1938

    From the files of 1918 Doctor C. Stewart is attending court in Huntsville this week. A dance was enjoyed by the younger set at Quartette Hall, on Friday evening. Mrs. Annie Kinney has returned from a two-week’s stay in Florida. From the files of 1938 Alabama does note raise...

    Files from yesteryear: 1902

    From the files of 1902 The old building on the corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street East is now being removed preparatory to the erection of a large brick bank by a company of gentleman who will “incorporate” with a capital stock of $25,000. Mr....

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1952

    From the files of 1936 Mrs. H. Parker was a nice hostess on Thursday for a dance. George Stiefelmeyer, Grand Master- Elect of the Grand Lodge of Alabama Odd Fellows, attended the district convention of the Rebekahs in Hanceville on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Herrell have...

    Friends of Frankweiler welcome sister-city visitors

    CULLMAN, Ala. - Friends of Frankweiler (FoF) was established in 1987, when Cullman and Frankweiler, Germany – the birthplace of Cullman’s founder John G. Cullmann – were joined as sister cities. FoF, as well as the corresponding German group, Friends of Cullman, keep the partnership between the two...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1900 Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store. Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle store building. S.M. Allison has opened a jewelry shop, near the Bargain Store. Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Heidelburg will leave the last...

    Files from yesteryear: 1955

    From the files of 1955 Fred Harbison won the Grand Championship at the Beef Show with a shorthorn steer. Mary Wood won Reserve Champion with a Hereford steer. Don Morgan, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, won the Cub Scout Soap Box...

    Files from yesteryear: 1951

    From the files of 1951 Mr. and Mrs. Collidge Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Hughes visited Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Woodard, in Haleyville on Sunday. Reverend Lewis Eidson is home from the Cullman Hospital, after undergoing an appendectomy on September 2. The home of Mrs. Mabry,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the files of 1902 Since the new bell, recently presented to the M.E. Church South, has been properly hung, its volume and tone are all that could be desired. Mrs. Susie Bounds, although not a member of the Methodist Church, was largely instrumental in...

    Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1954

    From the files of 1937 Miss Jeanette Green returned Wednesday from Roswell, New Mexico, where she has been since January. Her many friends are glad to see her again at the George Stiefelmeyer Store. College student: “Say, what’s the idea of wearing my raincoat?” Roommate: “You...

    Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1954

    From the files of 1937 On Tuesday, August 17, the W.C. Griffith Gin at Hanceville had the privilege of processing Cullman County’s first bale of cotton for this season. The cotton was grown by A.R. Russell on D.D. Price’s farm on Warrior, Route One. Mr. Clark...

    Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1994

    From the files of 1937 Doctor R.B. Dodson is Commander of the American Legion. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Kirtt, who formerly lived at West Point, have moved to the Willingham Community. This is the first year for typing to be offered at Hanceville School. Miss Dixie Christian...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936

    From the files of 1936 Ralph H. Sanders is the new minister at the First Christian Church in Cullman. He is a native of Savannah, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Bertis Rascoe are building a new home in West Cullman. From January 1, 1935 to June 30, 1935,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1901, 1954

    From the files of 1901 W.F. Reese, of Joppa, killed two snakes in his hay field last week. One was 5 feet, 5 inches long, with 11 rattlers and the other was 4 feet, 6 inches long with 12 rattlers. J.D. Edwards has accepted the position as...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936 The dry season threatens the water supply in Cullman and Cullman County. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouen are visiting relatives here, before leaving for California, to make their home. Glen Jetton, of Gold Ridge spent Saturday night with his uncle and aunt,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1933, 1952

    From the files of 1933 Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith at Panama. The 1933 Home Economics Club at Cullman High School includes: Mildred White, Grace Wonderlich, Almedia Newman, Elizabeth Glasscock, Mary Louise...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936

    From the files of 1936 Ralph H. Sanders is the new minister at the First Christian Church in Cullman. He is a native of Savannah, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Bertis Rascoe are building a new home in West Cullman. From January 1, 1935 to June 30, 1935,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900 Miss Fannie Watts of Etha is attending music school at Holly Pond. D.E. Jones is postmaster at Jones Chapel.                     The sixth annual session of the West Cullman Singing Convention was held at Bethlehem West on August 3, 4 and 5. J.M. Wilks presided....

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the files of 1900   M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont.   Doctor W.A. Barclift of Hartselle is having a cottage erected on the bluff, overlooking the Vinemont railroad station and will use it as a summer home.   Swiss and Limberger cheese...

    Files from yesteryear: 1916, 1920

    From the files of  1916 W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham. The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant. A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers Club rooms on Friday night. Mrs. A. Dreher will entertain at the Symphony Club on November 23rd. Claud Griffin spent the first...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936 Mr. G.W. Tingle passed away on October 10. There were 12 children born to this union. Burial was at Mars Hill, Tennessee. Attorney John H. Chapman has located in Cullman. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tucker left for Georgia last week, where they...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936

    From the files of 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Ray attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Sam Bradford, at Bethsadia, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Kittie Smith, who has been nursing Miss Katherine Girley, has returned to her home at Reform, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936 This dry season threatens the water supply in Cullman and Cullman County. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouen are visiting relatives here, before leaving for California, to make their home. Glen Jetton of Gold Ridge spent Saturday night with his uncle and aunt,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    George Markland has bought a lot on Highlands, with the view of building a nice residence. Some very naughty boys cut the German Society flags to pieces, after the picnic on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Miles of Bristol, England have arrived in Cullman and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1917, 1937

    From the files of 1917 Mrs. O. Kinney, Mrs. G.W. Johnson, Honorable and Mrs. A.A. Griffith have returned from a ten day stay in Dawson Springs, Kentucky. Mr. George Stiefelmeyer has returned home from Canada, where he has been for the past four weeks, on a...

    Files from yesteryear: 1937

    From the files of 1937 Mr. Bill Clapp and Geraldine Mugrove surprised their friends by getting married last Thursday. They are residing with Mr. and Mrs. William Clapp, Senior. Mrs. G.W. Thorn, of Hanceville, suffered painful burns on her leg last Wednesday. The Bremen Community was shocked...

    Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936

    From the files of 1930 The County Board of Education has moved into its newly remodeled building, which is one of the finest in the state. Mrs. T.A. Smith had charge of the P.T.A. program on Tuesday. A book week program was given and Mrs. M.H....

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900 R.W. Riley of Joppa was here on Monday. A.J. York attended the sheriff’s convention, in Montgomery, this week. Doctor J.S.O. Whitson, of the “Free State of Winston” was visiting friends here this week. I.C. Gay will take a position with a wholesale house,...

    Files from yesteryear: 1920, 1930

    From the files of 1920 The new sheriff of Cullman County appointed by Governor Thomas E. Kilby is Mr. J.W. Lambert of the Welti Community. Mr. Lambert is 37 years old, was born and reared in Carroll County, Georgia. Mr. Lambert’s family is composed of...

    Files from yesteryear: 1930

    From the files of 1930 Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council – Myrtle Wise, Senior Class – Carl Peinhardt, Junior Class – Nelle Hurston, Sophomore Class – Bruce Wallace, Freshman Class...

    Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1930 The bodies of two Cullman County soldiers arrived home, Emory McConnell and Ulyses Yeager. Mr. Jessie Smith is erecting a cotton gin at Simcoe. W.C. Waldrop and wife attended the two-day Union Harp singing at Old Redan Church and reported a fine...

    Files from yesteryear 1930

    From the files of 1930 Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council – Myrtle Wise, Senior Class – Carl Peinhardt, Junior Class – Nelle Hurston, Sophomore Class – Bruce Wallace, Freshman Class...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900 Arthur and Walter Oden are at the bedside of their father, Captain E.J. Oden. Reverend Anson West has about recovered from an illness. D.L. Aldredge of Holly Pond was in Cullman on Tuesday. Miss Minnie Braasch and Edgar Stoll of Vinemont have entered...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1936

    From the files of 1900 George Patrick of Ryan’s Cross Roads was here yesterday. C.N. Peek, of Eddy, was in Cullman on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Sanders and baby are visiting in Scottsboro. J.A. McMinn left Tuesday for New York. Sidney Dunn, of Birmingham, visited relatives here on...

    Happy 200th birthday, Col. Cullmann!

    Friends of Frankweiler hosts party to celebrate town’s founder CULLMAN, Ala. - A small crowd of Cullmanites of all ages and backgrounds joined together at the Festhalle on Sunday afternoon to celebrate the 200th birthday of Cullman founder Colonel John G. Cullmann. Cullmann was born...

    Files from yesteryear: 1936

    From the files of 1936 The Vinemont 4-H Club elected officers at the school on Wednesday. President-Marie Drake, Vice-President- Dorothy Lawrence, Secretary-Daisy Edge, Cheer Leader-Myron Nesmith and Song Leader-Naomi DeMonia. They made baking powder biscuits and ended the meeting doing a cheer. Leroy Box died in...

    COLUMN: Celebrating in the Wundergarten – Col. Cullmann’s 200th birthday party

    CULTIVATE CULLMAN: The Countywide Arts and Gardening Celebration is joining with the “sister city” group, “Friends of Frankweiler,” to salute Cullman County’s founder, Colonel John G. Cullmann, on the anniversary of his 200th birthday this Sunday, July 2, 2023. Colonel Cullmann was born 200 years...

    Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the files of 1904 C.F.J. Hartung, M.D., came home from Chattanooga this week. Louis Owen, Esquire and Frank Johnson, of Bremen, were in town this week. R.E. Ryan has resigned his position at Stiefelmeyer’s because of his health. Doctor B.M. Kinney has gone to Lawrence County on...

    Files from yesteryear: 1932, 1952

    From the files of 1932 Inez and Bertie Young spent Saturday night with their sister, Mrs. H.J. Mize. Attending the quilting at Mrs. Henry Mobley’s on Tuesday afternoon were Mrs. Ava Smith, Mrs. Hazel Gentry, Mrs. Verla Mobley, Mrs. Annice Carden, Mrs. Johnny Stewart, Mrs. H.W....

    Files from yesteryear: 1908, 1932, 1933

    From the files of 1908 The county teachers institute was held at Joppa with County Superintendent D.V. Smith presiding. Cullman has secured the county high school,  subscribing  something  over $4,500 for the building fund. The Circuit Court ended with a mistrial in the case of Wes and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the files of 1904 Warm, dry weather continues. Arthur Sanderman is behind the counter at Vinemont Grocery Company. Indications point to a victory for the Democratic presidential candidate, Judge Alton B. Parker. The Republican rally held at Kullman Hall last night drew a good crowd. H. Nuss and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the files of 1904 Warm, dry weather continues. Arthur Sanderman is behind the counter at Vinemont Grocery Company. Indications point to a victory for the Democratic presidential candidate, Judge Alton B. Parker. The Republican rally held at Kullman Hall last night drew a good crowd. H. Nuss and...

    Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the files of 1900 We are in receipt of a copy of E.T. Paul’s latest and greatest March entitled, “Dawn of the Century March.” Fifteen cents buys a good broom at The Hustler. – adv. The Honorable S.J. Griffin made a professional trip to Moulton this...

    Files from yesteryear: 1920, 1930

    From the files of 1920 The new sheriff of Cullman County appointed by Governor Thomas E. Kilby is Mr. J.W. Lambert of the Welti Community. Mr. Lambert is 37 years old, was born and reared in Carroll County, Georgia. Mr. Lambert’s family is composed of...

    Files from yesteryear 1916, 1930

    From the files of 1916 Electric washing machines are advertised by  C.A. Stiefelmeyer for $44.00 for one model and $52.50 for the other model. Doctor Sidney Morrow, of Birmingham, spent Sunday in Cullman as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Bess Morrow. In the November 1916 election,...

    April Walking Tours begin with walk through 1873-1900

    CULLMAN, Ala. – This year’s April Walking Tours series kicked off at the Cullman County Museum on Saturday, April 1, with guide Michael Sullins leading the way. Participants met on the steps of the Cullman County Museum, where Sullins opened the tour with a speech...

    Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1954

    From the files of 1937 October is here -the month of witches, black cats and spooks. Already at Fairview High we are looking forward to the big event of the year, “The Fall Carnival.” There is much talk and speculation about who the juniors and...

    WSCC Genealogy program helps writer research local family that influenced Minnie Pearl

    HANCEVILLE, Ala. - The Wallace State Community College Genealogy program recently aided a Nashville, Tennessee, writer researching Grand Ole Opry star Minnie Pearl and the Cullman County family she used as influence for her legendary comedic character. Dr. Rachel Martin is writing about Minnie...

    Files from yesteryear: 1898, 1937, 1957

    The first open cotton boll of the season that we have seen was brought in on August 17th, by James Trapp. Fire at early dawn on Sunday destroyed the storehouse and fixtures of N.J. Stewart and Sons and the vacant building formerly occupied by the...

    Files from yesteryear: 1939

    Mr. John Ivey visited Mr. Hiram Ivey, of Joppa, on Sunday evening. Misses Jennie Miller and Ruth and Ruby Johnson were the Saturday evening callers of Miss Marjorie Jackson. Among the number represented at the reunion at Mr. and Mrs. Joy Lackey’s, on Sunday, were Mr....

    Alabama man brings Pearl Harbor/Day of Infamy Flag back to Washington

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - Bryan Morgan of Birmingham came to Washington Monday, Dec. 12, on a special mission.  Back in 1941, his father, Earl Morgan of Cullman, was a page in the United States House of Representatives.  On Dec. 8, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt came...

    Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950 and 1900

    From the files of 1950: Mesdames C.H. Gray, Vann Gibbs, George Burkart, T.Y. Steele and Mary Plunkett visited Mrs. Max Forbis in Huntsville. Slim Lay and his band played at the Canteen dance on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. N.W. Self celebrated their Golden Anniversary on August...

    Frankweiler Fountain flows again!

    CULLMAN, Ala. - To celebrate the twinning of Cullman and its German sister city Frankweiler, the Cullman German Club built the Frankweiler Fountain on 1st Avenue across from A Touch of German in 1988. One of the German gift shop’s owners at the time,...

    East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church to celebrate 100 years 

    Photo with cars is the current church building, one without cars is the original before the renovations over the years.CULLMAN, Ala. - On Sunday, May 23, East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church (EPC) will be celebrating 100 years of "worshipping, serving and loving the Lord."...

    Files From Yesteryear: 1955

    From The Files Of 1955: Bill Rasco, son of Mrs. Mildred Rasco has been recognized for outstanding service as editor of the Crimson-White, the University of Alabama student newspaper. Dovie Ruehl was confined to Cullman Hospital following a freak fall in Doctor R.B. Dodson’s office when the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From The Files Of 1937: Marriages: October 13 – David M. Morgan,, 36, to Cordelia Harper, 34 and Floyd Chaney, 24, to Molly Roberts, 18. October 14 – Elzie Thomas, 21, to  Ruby Stone, 22 and Valent Vail Meigs, 20, to Pauline Thompson. October 15 – Verlie Parker, 28, to Ottie...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1934, 1954

    From the Files of 1934: Spencer Speegle, who is attending summer school at A.P.I., spent the weekend at home. Miss Lola Beth Francisco, of Nashville, Tennessee is the guest of Miss Margaret Deppe. Miss Susan Christian is enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, for the summer....