Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950


From the Files of 1900:

Alvin Ahlrichs has purchased the Cullman Telephone Exchange and the office will be moved to the Protest Building. Arrangements have also been perfected whereby connection can be made with the long distance telephone.

L.B. McCillan of Cooper, Texas is visiting Cullman’s efficient sheriff, A.J. Allgood.

Died at her home in Lawrence Cove after a protracted illness, Mrs. Martha Self, mother of Mrs. Francis Hamilton of our city.

Beginning with April the 16, the stores of this place will close at 6:30 p.m. every evening, except Saturday, until September 15.

The millinery opening at C.A. Stiefelmeyer was a large affair. The house was thronged with admiring ladies and it is safe to predict that many of these pretty creations of Mrs. Therese Wachter and her assistant will adorn the heads of our ladies on the coming Easter Sunday and distract devotions.

A canning company with a capital stock of $25,000 will be incorporated at Vinemont in the near future.

L.B. Keller and Clifton Stewart of Falkville visited at Eva on Sunday.

Misses Sophia Burks and Georgia Stewart of Baileyton were guests of Missies Sallie and Lalishie McMullen at Eva last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Brock announce the birth of a baby boy on March 30.

Miss Carrie Newton has opened a millinery shop at Holly Pond.

Doctor B.P. Brindley is planning to move from Simcoe to Winston County.

From the Files of 1950:

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock are the proud parents of a baby boy.

Mary and Margie Casey spent Sunday with Nadean and Margie Yeager at Concord.

Arthur Gould, Senior, is ill at home after suffering a heart attack.

Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Pinkston and children spent Easter in Clay County with his father.

Mrs. P.G. Hartung and Mrs. E.C. Kinney have returned from Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott and son of Prospect spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Lynn at Valley Grove.

Judith and Edith Holmes of  Enon visited B.F. Neal of Rock Springs, who is ill.

The Easter supper at Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Campbell’s at Bethany was enjoyed by a large crowd on Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Daniel of Huntsville recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Daniel last week.

Isaac Boyd, J.P. Duren and G.D. Chandler are building a tourist court in Auburndale, Florida.

Mrs. Margie Vogle and Mrs. E.C. Kinney of Cullman visited Mrs. Emma Burkart in Hanceville on Sunday.

Mrs. Ruby Cutts is president of the New Prospect P.T.A., C. Hendrix is vice-president, Mrs. Maudie Edwards is secretary and treasurer and Mrs. Earl Sapp is reporter.

Asa B. Fuller, II spent last weekend in Georgia.

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