Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1954


From the Files of 1904:

Married Sunday at 3 p.m. were Miss Addie Smith and Wiley Burks.

C.W. Holmes, formerly of Unity is now a businessman of Bearden, Indian Territory.

Good citizens never fail to vote. Next Tuesday will be Election Day.

H. Styles, of Glade, was in the city on Tuesday.

After an absence of five years, Matt Humphrey arrived Sunday to visit relatives.

Mrs. P.B. Arnold accompanied her daughter, Eugenia, on her return to Athens Female College, on Monday.


From the Files of 1954:

The J.E. Smith farm on the Holly Pond Highway was the Tribune’s Mystery Farm of last week. It wasn’t a mystery for very long, however, since dozens of people correctly identified this place.

This particular 80 acre farm, which is only a part of the some 500 acres owned by Mr. Smith, was purchased by him in 1923. At that time, only five acres were in cultivation. On this farm, dairying is the main operation. At this time, 52 cows are being milked. Also some truck crops and corn are grown.

One of Mr. Smith’s favorite crops is strawberries. He has one field of 55 acres, all in strawberries and completely irrigated. This is on leased land in Blount County. This was the nearest place available, where he could secure as much water as he needed.

Another outstanding crop in the Smith operations is the 80 acres of turnip greens, mustard and spinach. At the present day, they are gathering 200 dozen bunches daily of this crop.

For thirty years, Mr. Smith has done trucking of crops from Cullman County to northern markets. He has connections with the larger and best ones of the north. Mr. Smith’s fondest wish is for the farmers of Cullman County to again raise strawberries of top quality and capture top place in the markets of the country.

Mr. Smith is married to the former Elva Hendrix and they have one son, Melvin W., who returned home on September 1, after a couple of years of military duty. Melvin is married to the former Roberta Williams and they have a 15 month old son, J.E.H. The Smiths are Baptist and Mr. Smith says his hobbies are hunting and fishing.

The first person to identify the mystery farm was Mrs. Bill Davis. The next few were Venora Shaw, Ken Goodson, Mrs. Billie Kierce, Agnes Bates, A.R. Mize, Mrs. Marvin Brannon, Charles Boike, Billy Joe Kratohvil, Ralph Ponder, Calvin Hollaway, James Cummings, Nora Childers, W.E. Waldrop, W.L. Horton, Mrs. Fred Heflin, Vernon Smith, Ray McGriff and J.M. Britt.

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