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Thursday, October 24, 2024
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    Tag: Funny Things from Yesterday

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The twins visited us yesterday

    We had a very pleasant surprise yesterday. Leanna brought the twins by for a visit. We had not seen them since Christmas. This pandemic...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Our new fire truck

    A few years back, when I was on the city council, the City bought a new fire truck. This was no ordinary fire truck,...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Do you remember cherry-flavored Luden’s cough drops?

    This is an article that I wrote several years ago. Time marches on and lot of things change. Barbershops have changed considerably since I was...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The cardboard box

    Leanna bought a nice toy box for the twins, Rhett and Vaughn, to store their toys in when they are not playing with them....

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Christmas Story by Crosby

    I must apologize for not having this story last week. It is a belated Christmas story that I did not have all the facts...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: They brought the twins over

    Things have changed a whole lot since I was a very young boy growing up. We didn’t have a refrigerator until I was about...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Happy Birthday, Don!

    I thought for today I would honor a longtime good friend. He and I went through pharmacy school together. He stayed on the east...

    Funny Things From Yesterday: Jogging suit and a bonnet

    This is an article about modern trends and old traditions.  A few years back many people had to walk when they were going somewhere. But...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: You spit on me

    During the early and mid-1950s, I was attending A.P.I. (Alabama Polytechnic Institute), which is now Auburn University. A few other boys from Cullman were...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Locked in and locked out

    When our daughter, Robin, was 4 years old and Robert, Jr. was a little over a year old we had a problem of one...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Thanksgiving

    I thought I would write something this week that has more meaning than a funny story. There are a lot of things about Thanksgiving that...

    Funny Things From Yesterday: Halloween on our street

    Rudene decided that we were getting too old to stay on our little farm. We had goats and small donkeys to tend to and...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Hunting boots

    It is almost time for hunters to get out their guns and oil and polish them up. They also need hunting clothes and a...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Crosby visited us

    Crosby, our oldest great-grandson, is 3-and-a-half years old, so he is still very young. It surprises me how much he knows. I’m sure that...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Granny

    Rudene has been called Granny since Leanna, our first grandchild, was old enough to talk. Our Granny’s actions are like the actions of the...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: He is as tough as a pine...

    Our second oldest great-grandson is Alder, (“AB2” if you remember the simple way I had to have to remember our six greats). He will...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: My birthday

    We had a wonderful afternoon on October the 4th. The only thing that was wrong was that three of our family members were missing....

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Another hearing problem

    Rudene and I have lost our hearing. Both of us have high-dollar hearing aids, but on the telephone, we sometimes misunderstand what is being...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: I had my hearing tested

    Several years ago, I was told that I could not pass a flight physical because I could not hear. I don’t know why they...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Our 1st great-grandson

    Our first great grandson is Crosby James Skipper. He is now 3 years old and a little boy who has an inquisitive mind. The...

    Funny Things from Yesterday : Drop me off at work and...

    People need exercise. In this present day and age it seems that most folks just don’t take the time for a little much needed...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: 23 for lunch

    This was the first lunch that we planned at our home since the pandemic hit town. We had been missing all the togetherness that...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Visiting with the children

    Last Saturday we decided to defy the pandemic and go to visit our daughter and her family on the lake. All the members of...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: 3 great-grands at our house

    Last week we had a good time at our house. Erin asked if we could keep Emma Grace for her. She had to go...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Problem of remembering our great-grandchildren’s names

    We are now in the era of great-grandchildren. This can be a very wonderful, pleasant and exciting time. We now have six great-grands, and...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: I almost drowned

    Oh, let me tell you this before I start my story for this week. I talked with my first cousin Peggy several days ago...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: God don’t have a phone

    Occasionally, I will hear of a good story that has happened to someone. Some of the ones I like best are told by grandparents...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Mamie’s frightful few minutes

    Robin and Danny have lived on Lake George for several years. Their basement has a bedroom, a bath and large area for relaxing and...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Mountain climbing practice

    Our daughter Robin, who is the grandmother of Crosby and Alder, has been keeping them a good bit this summer since she is out...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Our last 2 kitties

    The cat story two weeks ago ended with a sad happening. This week’s story is a sadness for me, but a happiness for some...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The 4th of July

    I will depart this week from my regular column of “Funny Things from Yesterday” and write about love of family and country. I let Mother’s...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Our cats

    When Rudene and I lived in town, we didn’t have much time to take care of a pet or a place to keep one....

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The paisley tie

    Most everyone has been in a small group of people, either family or friends, talking and laughing at funny things that were said. I...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: 2 snakes

    The first of this article happened in the summer when I was a youngster. Dale and I were staying at Mama and Papa Tidwell’s home....

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Trying to catch a donkey

    Things have changed a lot since I was a young boy.  Nowadays, children have many games and toys for entertainment: video games, VCRs and...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The ceiling fan

    I have written before about modern trends and old traditions. This article is about a ceiling fan and two or three helium-filled balloons. The first...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Grandchildren are intelligent

    As any grandparent knows nowadays, a grandchild is very intelligent. Some of the stories I hear about grandchildren are very interesting. When Rudene was still...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Sleeping under 6 quilts

    Sometimes an incident will happen that reminds me of the so-called “Good Old Days.” Last week, the cold days reminded me of an incident...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: I got a splinter in my caboose

    Most folks as old as I am can remember when houses had a front porch and a back porch. If you had a house...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: No need in wasting a new tube...

    My sister, Frances, reminded me of an incident that took place many years ago when we were young teenagers. I’m not sure I really...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: A hungry boy

    In the last article I wrote about our little great-grandson Alder. I told of some of his natural abilities. Besides his abilities as a...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: It’s better than me think it would...

    I am using two stories this week since they are short and both pertain to my youngest brother, Jim. Our Uncle Robert, as far back...

    FUNNY THINGS FROM YESTERDAY: He had to put his gun away

    Some times I hear about someone else’s grandsons. I try to put that person in the limelight for a little while. I don’t use their names...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Alder

    Alder is our second little great-grandson. He is a delightful little fellow and is now 16 months old, and he is what you call...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: I’m going to the bathroom

    When Robert, Jr. was just a youngster, his bedroom was across the hall from our bedroom. The way our bedroom was arranged, Rudene slept...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Cooking on the wood burning heater

    This will be the first story of a series of articles about “Old Traditions and Modern Trends.” As many of you know, old traditional...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: It scared his mule

    If you have ever heard the expression, “It scared my mule,” you probably wondered where it came from and what it means. I have...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Shopping at K-Mart with our granddaughter

    Our little granddaughter, Leanna, was a gentle, pleasant and mild child- except inside a shopping mall or a large department store. Then, she was...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: It’s tough being a househusband around our...

    A few years ago, Granny, my sweet little wife for many years, worked for the state and had to travel out of town. She...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The missing B.C.

    I am not the author of this article and I do not know where it came from, but I though some might get a...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Mama, look what they’ve done to your...

    Two weeks ago, we had a celebration meeting for a time of remembering the twinning of the cities of Frankweiler, Germany and Cullman, Alabama....

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Robert Jr.’s trip to the emergency room

    As I have mentioned before, as a youngster Robert Jr. was a good little con artist. I’m glad he changed his ways before he...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Clean your plate and you can have...

    It seems like a few years ago folks could get together much easier for family gatherings and visits than we can nowadays. I can...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: I got beat on my sandwich trade

    Some of you who are as old as I am can remember the time before schools had lunchrooms.  Those were the days that were...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Ice skating on the sidewalk

    This is the time of year that weather conditions can change drastically and roads and sidewalks can glaze over if conditions are right. So...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: I’ve found them! I’ve found our Christmas...

    Seems like today children don’t look forward to Christmas like we did when we were growing up. Back in those days, we only got...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Asleep behind the kitchen stove

    Well, winter is upon us and these cold nights sure do make the heat from a wood-burning heater feel good. There seems to be...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Left behind

    In the world of technology, things have really changed in the last few years. I remember when the first computers came out. They were...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: An unexpected squeeze

    It was great to be dismissed from the Hanceville Nursing Home Sunday morning. If I had been able, I would have jumped up and...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The small car wash

    Friday was bath day at Hanceville Nursing Home. This turned out to be the best shower and cleanup I’ve had since being put down...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: My first bath in the nursing home

    Rudene and I had good plans for a weekend of rest and relaxation. We were going to go to Auburn on Thursday and wait...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The BOOGER MAN will get you

    There may not be any such thing as a B-O-O-G-E-R, man but I believe there is.  I know most of you have been told,...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Out of the mouths of babes

    Baseball and football have always been the big games in the United States. We have memories of the great players in both sports. In baseball,...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: A vacation at the lake

    Since the weather has changed from blazing hot to much cooler, I decided to use one last vacation story before bathing suits are put...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: The baptism

    Since I am Baptist, I like to occasionally tell of a funny incident that happened in a Baptist church. A preacher friend told me...

    Today’s article is not a funny, but a sad loss of...

    Tribune Column: Funny Things from Yesterday Today’s article is not a funny, but a sad loss of a dear friend Rudene and I met a couple...

    Funny Things from Yesterday: Movies were a nickel

    When I was in grammar school at East Elementary, movies cost a nickel on Friday afternoon at the Lyric Theatre. It seemed like half...