Funny Things from Yesterday: Alder

Robert N. Tidwell, Sr.

Alder is our second little great-grandson. He is a delightful little fellow and is now 16 months old, and he is what you call “ALL BOY.” He doesn’t talk yet, but he is a climber and an extra fast runner.

Two weeks ago, Rudene had to have a permanent. It would take about two hours and we already had the twin great-grandsons at the house; they are 11 months old. I would not be able to take care of them by myself. So, Robin came over to help me for the time Granny would be gone. She was taking care of Alder on that particular day, so he was with her. As soon as Robin put him down, he headed for the kitchen. We have a two-oven stove and that is where he stopped. By the time Robin got to him he had the lower door open and was standing on it. If Robin had not caught him, I’m sure he would have had the next door open and headed for new heights.

The next week we had Alder again. When he is here, we close all the doors and try to keep him hemmed up in the living room and kitchen. Rudene had something to do in our bedroom and I needed to go to the bathroom next to the bedroom and Alder went into the bedroom with us. Alder went straight to the bathroom and Rudene caught him just before he put his hand in the commode and brought him out of the bathroom. Rudene finished what she was doing and walked out, leaving Alder in the bedroom.

All at once I heard him dialing the phone. I rushed out of the bathroom about half dressed to get the phone from him. I was afraid he would call the man in the Middle East that has been calling me for three weeks trying to sell me car repair insurance. I got the phone from him and started to get the numbers off that he had put on the phone. I looked around and he was headed for the bathroom. I dropped the phone and started after him and called Rudene for help. It was just like it was at the Alamo – help never came. I caught him just before he stuck his hand in the commode and got him out of the bathroom again. Then the little fellow went back to the phone and started dialing again. I don’t know why I didn’t close the bathroom door as I came out. All I could think of was hearing numbers being punched on that phone again. I called for help again and got help on the way.

When I got back to the bathroom this time he was standing in the shower. Thank goodness no water was running. I finally got myself back together and headed to the kitchen to catch Alder. When I got to the kitchen, he had climbed on the table and was just trying to stand up and I caught him. The table cloth had turned sideways and one of the crystal coasters fell off and broke into a hundred or more pieces. We got that cleaned up and we sat down for a rest.

I love all these little great grands. They give you fun, exercise, excitement and most of all, love.

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