Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 20, 1962

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of Dec. 20, 1962

Berlin Sunshine Club Has Christmas Party

The Berlin Sunshine Club held its Christmas party at the Lorenz Restaurant Thursday night, Dec. 13.

After dinner was served, gifts were exchanged and the group enjoyed singing Christmas carols.

Those attending included Mesdames Bertha Boyles, Faye Dismukes, Dovie Duke, Billie Payne, Emma Payne, Jeanette Witcher, Estelle Walker, Elsie Teichmiller, Nell Payne, Edna White, Lois Burks, Betty Smith, Theolene Jones, Nell Bailey, Ann Johnson, Al Jordan, Magline Smith, Ottie Adams, Ruth Harris, Mary Patterson, Margaret Roberson, Josie Duke, Allie Bailey and Susie Smith.



On Tuesday the Girls’ P. E. Club presented an assembly for the student body. At the beginning of the assembly Carolyn Freeman presented the devotion. Then the girls did some of the things they have been doing in gymnastics and tumbling. Mrs. Parker is the sponsor of the Girls’ P. E. Club.

On Thursday night the Girls’ Glee Club and the Mixed Glee Club presented a program of Christmas music. The next day they presented the program for the student body. Jimmy Hand sang “Oh Holy Night” at the assembly.

The National Honor Society met recently. Wayne Chappell, the president, called the meeting to order. Some suggestions for projects were made.

The Cullman track team placed fifth in the state track meet.

The physical education classes at C.H.S. have been learning various dances such as the waltz, fox trot, the twist, and different square dances.

Mrs. Hooten Hostess Holly Pond Club             

The annual Christmas party of the Holly Pond Home Demonstration Club was held at the home of Mrs. Henrietta Hooten. Mrs. Cal Leeth of Cullman, a guest, gave the story, “The Unexpected Christmas Guest,” and led in group singing of Christmas carols.

Gifts were exchanged, secret pals revealed and the club presented gifts to Mrs. Christine Wise, president, and Miss Roxie Stisher, club mother.

Delicious refreshments were served to those above and to Mesdames Doris Henderson, Annie Mae Hammock, Estelle Sanford, Lela Bailey, Bessie Carnell, Nell Harbison, Tressie Duke, Deaner Gilley, Opal Gilley, June Henderson, Opal Tucker, Corina Crumbley, Rowona Coppock, Mamie Shaw, Beulah Smith, Dorothy Smith and another guest, Mrs. Jean Stisher of Arab.

Charles Grantham arrived home Monday to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grantham. Charles is a student at Auburn.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Owens and Mrs. S. H. Adams of Chattanooga were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kanaday.

Fairview’s Kenneth Ray Champion Corn Grower

Kenneth Ray has been named Chapter Champion corn grower of the Fairview Chapter of Future Farmers of America.

He is the eighteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Ray of Baileyton. Kenneth applied 700 pounds of 4-12-12 fertilizer at planting and sidedressed with 500 pounds of ammonium nitrate about 35 days after planting.

He planted Stull 100 variety on May 4, in rows 38” apart and left the plants 12-15” apart in the row. His yield was 81.78 bushels per acre on his best acre of corn. He had 2 acres of corn in his Supervised Farming Program in Vocational Agriculture. He made an average yield of 76 bushels per acre.

In addition to corn, Kenneth’s supervised farming program for last year consisted of 1 acre of tomatoes, 6 head of dairy calves, 1 mare, and 4 gilts, which brought thirty-one pigs that are being topped out at the present time. He helped improve 10 acres of pasture, 12 acres of fencing and built a new barn using part of the material from an old barn that was torn down.

Kenneth is reporter of his chapter, which has a membership of 92 at the present time. D. M. Edleman is chapter advisor and teacher of Vocational Agriculture at Fairview.