Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934


From the files of 1904

C.F.J. Hartung, M.D., came home from Chattanooga this week.

Louis Owen, Esquire and Frank Johnson, of Bremen, were in town this week.

R.E. Ryan has resigned his position at Stiefelmeyer’s because of his health.

Doctor B.M. Kinney has gone to Lawrence County on a hunting expedition.

“Rail Road,” Charley Brown was in town to vote on Tuesday.

R.I. Burke and Doctor Hoeppner had the largest majorities in Tuesday’s election.

3,032 votes were cast in the Probate Judge race on Tuesday.

Following is a list of prize winners in the Tribune’s contest (guessing how many votes would be cast).

C.S. Couch of Vinemont (3,033 votes and first to send his guess in), first prize, a sewing machine; W.H. Smith of Route Four, Cullman (3,033 votes, sent in after Mr. Couch’s), second prize, a phonograph and records; F.F. Hosey of Route Two, Cullman (3,030 votes), third prize, scholarship; C.M. Nichols of Route Three, Cullman (3,030 votes), fourth prize, shotgun; Ira Childers of Cullman, fifth prize a rifle (each guessed 3,029); S.R. Edwards of Garden City, 3,035 votes; N.M. Parsons, 3,027 votes; S.J. Calvert, 3,025 votes and were each awarded Tribune subscriptions as seventh, eighth and ninth prizes.

Mrs. Bertha Boschung has been appointed agent for Charles A. Stevens and Brothers, Women’s Outfitters of Chicago.

Major M.C. Burke, father of R.I. Burke, died in Montgomery, on Tuesday.

From the files of 1934

19,974 bales of cotton were ginned in Cullman County this year, prior to October 8th as compared to 26,276 by that date in 1933.

Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Bailey and Gurtis Thompson were seriously hurt in an automobile accident on Sunday morning.

Sidney Morrow, a senior at Atlanta – Southern Dental College, was recently elected Associate Business Manager of “The Asodecoan” School annual.

Mr. and Mrs. Travis Glasscock, of Welti, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mildred, to Ralph Aldridge, on November 12, 1933 in Ashville, Alabama.

Married this week were Miss Bess Alvis and John Schlosser, Miss Avis Shults and Ralph G. Oaks and Miss Opal Gilley and Kermit Gorham.

Homer Spradlin is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Farmer in Austell, Georgia.

Miss Harwell Wall won the award for the best costume at the Hanceville Halloween Carnival. Miss Blanche Price was crowned queen, with Miss Kathleen Henderson and Miss Hartwell Wall runner-ups in that contest.

Mrs. C.A. Camp was hostess to members of the BPW Club this week.

J.D. Lott, of Trade, underwent an appendectomy at the local hospital this week.

The Saint Bernard Dramatic Club will present “Who’s Dumb” on Sunday at 8:00 p.m.

Allen Hyatt and Earney Shaw attended the ballgame in Birmingham on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dodson, of Holly Pond, announce the birth of a daughter.

Miss Elizabeth Martin entertained on Tuesday afternoon, honoring members of the senior class of Sacred Heart Academy.