Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934


From the files of 1904

Warm, dry weather continues.

Arthur Sanderman is behind the counter at Vinemont Grocery Company.

Indications point to a victory for the Democratic presidential candidate, Judge Alton B. Parker.

The Republican rally held at Kullman Hall last night drew a good crowd.

H. Nuss and son, at Walter have bought a new cotton press.

Doctor L.F. Lee, of Jones Chapel, was in the city on Wednesday.

A.A. Griffith and John Shannon are candidates for Justices of the Peace.

Miss Eva Fuller has returned from an extended visit in Birmingham.

Lee Cochran is attending business college in Birmingham.

C.C. Scheuing and Lonnie York returned this week with two car loads of Nebraska horses.

Leroy McEntire and Jay Townsend left Wednesday for Saint Louis to buy a car load of mules.

Doctor C.E. Herrin will move to Cullman soon.

Captain J.J. Dye, of Baileyton, was in the city on Tuesday.

Doctor F.B. Burnham has moved his office to his residence.

S.P. Baxley has gone to Georgia for a visit.

Circuit Clerk, O.S. Roden spent Monday in Birmingham.

S.R. Edwards, of Garden City, was in Cullman on Monday.

Doctor P.M. Allison is in Saint Louis seeing the sights.

From the files of 1934

Cullman High defeated Decatur, 14-7 here on Friday. This was the first game Decatur had lost in four years.

The Fairview Alumni Association held its annual banquet last week with the president, R.C. Lipscomb presiding. The program was presented by Shelly McClendon, Gladys Causey, Willie Lee Spencer, Helen Moses, the Fairview Quartet and Junior High Glee Club. New officers elected were Albert Seibenheiner, president; Mrs. Louis Graf, vice-president; Colfax Christian, secretary- treasurer; Maude Hesterley, reporter; Herman Pruett, Clyde Lynn and Maude Hesterley, philanthropic committee.

Mrs. J.N. McNutt, county council president, represented the county P.T.A. at the teachers institute held last week.

Sophomores at C.C.H.S. have elected Loring Trimble, president; Dwight Fuller, vice-president; Evelyn Martin, secretary and Harry Fuller, treasurer.

Mrs. W.B. Monroe and Mrs. Arthur Lee, of Anniston, were guests of the Henry Ruehls, last weekend.

Little Dorothy Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schlosser, underwent a tonsillectomy, on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson (Juanita Dorrough) announce the birth of a daughter, on October 23rd.

Miss Elsa Kempson, a student at Florence State Teachers College, spent the weekend with her

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kempson.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith, of Hanceville, spent Friday in Birmingham.

Clarence Parker, of Texas, is the guest of his brother, Will Parker.

Miss Maude Phillips, of Birmingham, spent the weekend with Miss Eula Phillips.