Files from yesteryear: 1937


From the files of 1937

Mr. Bill Clapp and Geraldine Mugrove surprised their friends by getting married last Thursday. They are residing with Mr. and Mrs. William Clapp, Senior.

Mrs. G.W. Thorn, of Hanceville, suffered painful burns on her leg last Wednesday.

The Bremen Community was shocked by the death of Guss Lynn, late Saturday afternoon.

Reverend B.F. McCaine baptized 22 new members on Saturday, following last week’s revival meeting at Cold Springs Church.

The Sacred Harp Singing Convention will meet at Hopewell Baptist Church on Saturday and Sunday, August 28 and 29.

Peach seed wanted. $1.00 per bushel. Empire Nursery. Ad.

Val Wood’s Pan Am Station will have a larger electric sign to shine on Cullman’s Beeline Highway.

Mrs. B.M. Nash, who is now employed in the office of C. Arnold and Son Lumber Company stated today that her husband is greatly improved.

Mr. Nash has been confined, at his home, with illness for the past few months. Although hindered physically, he keeps in high spirits.

Doctor C. Stewart, local veterinarian, has returned home from Omaha, Nebraska, where he attended the annual meeting of the American Veterinary Medical Association, August 17 to 20, at which 3,000 veterinarians were registered.

Doctor Stewart was accompanied by his son, Ernest Stewart, who visited the Maytag Washing

Machine factory at Newton, Iowa. They had a delightful trip through the Central States, going and returning by different routes, along which they stopped at many points of interest.

Mr. Gus Teichmiller died of an acute heart attack on last Saturday morning, August 21. He was found dead about five feet from the barn door, by his son, Fritz. Since Mr. Teichmiller was in such good health, his death came as a terrible shock to his family and friends.

The day before his death, the deceased celebrated the 43rd anniversary of his birth. Twenty-two years ago last June he was married to Miss Gertrude King.

Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. on August 23, at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church and interment was in the City Cemetery, with Drinkard officiating.

He is survived by his widow, his father, Casper Teichmiller, six children, Arthur, Edna, Fritz, Frances, Robert and Esther, four brothers, Will, Louis, Herman and Casper, Junior and four sisters, Mrs. S.E.

King, Mrs. E.J. Denson, Mrs. C.M. Gross and Mrs. H.E. Buchmann.

Last Monday, in the Blair School House community, our local deputies assisted by federal men came upon one of the county’s oasis. They took charge of a thousand gallon percolator. One of the shiners was so desperate that he ran over a federal man and took to the woods. Sheriff J.E. Pierce says he will locate the distiller in the next few days.