Files from yesteryear: 1932, 1952


From the files of 1932

Inez and Bertie Young spent Saturday night with their sister, Mrs. H.J. Mize.

Attending the quilting at Mrs. Henry Mobley’s on Tuesday afternoon were Mrs. Ava Smith, Mrs. Hazel Gentry, Mrs. Verla Mobley, Mrs. Annice Carden, Mrs. Johnny Stewart, Mrs. H.W. Smith, Marie Carden, Pauline Rhodes and Inez and Bertie Young. The quilt will be given away at the pie supper on Saturday night.

You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do – Henry Ford.

From the files of 1952

G.W. Ponder, III was a winner of the fast heat in the Cub Scout Derby last Sunday.

Sylvester N. Allred died last Friday at his Hanceville residence. This 82 year old man has 128 descendants. Funeral services were at Hopewell.

Herman Davis remains in Saint Vincent’s Hospital with a broken back.

Attending Girls State from Cullman County are Charlene Lee – West Point, Maggie Duke – Holly Pond, Mary Ellen Cook – Fairview, Kathryn Dooley – Cold Springs, Margaret Ellen Hinds – Hanceville and Betty Vandiver – Cullman.

Betty Dahlke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dahlke, was honored for six years of perfect attendance at East Elementary.

Cpl. Don Carroll Thompson, 19, has received a second purple heart while serving in Korea. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Carroll, of Cullman.

H.E. Mitchell, Cullman attorney, has been elected Chairman of Cullman County Republicans.

Dock Johns, Archie Raburn, Comer Smith and Nello Veal, of Gold Ridge, went fishing on Saturday night at Muscle Dump.

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Schults of Cullman visited Oak Level last week.

Dating on Saturday night were Margaret Kinney and Roy Richter, Betty Jo Johnson and Asa Blalock, Esther Davis and Bill Myers and Carolyn Miller and Bill Knight.

Jack Peeler is spending 30 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cortez Peeler, Bill and Peggy after serving a year in Korea.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Linton of Welti were visiting at Antioch last weekend.

Some of the farmers around Berlin are having to replant their cotton crops.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodfin Graham and boys of Bethsadia attended the Air Carnival in Birmingham on Sunday.

Mrs. Max Buettner entertained at a dinner party on Sunday honoring her brother and her niece who is graduating from high school.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rice of Birmingham spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Rice, of Hanceville.

Big Brothers Groceries has bananas for 10 cents per pound.

Enjoying the Baggett reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Baggett of Cullman were 76 people. Dinner was served in a grove of pines.

Mule for sale, 900 pounds, 8 years old, $45.00 cash. Curtis Black, near Oak Level Church.

Mrs. F.J. Weeks fell and broke her hip last Saturday