Files from yesteryear: 1936


From the files of 1936

The Vinemont 4-H Club elected officers at the school on Wednesday. President-Marie Drake, Vice-President- Dorothy Lawrence, Secretary-Daisy Edge, Cheer Leader-Myron Nesmith and Song Leader-Naomi DeMonia. They made baking powder biscuits and ended the meeting doing a cheer.

Leroy Box died in Texas. He leaves a wife and four children. His three sisters here are Daisy, Lillie and Sardis Box. Daisy attended the funeral in Plains, Texas.

The Women’s Missionary Society of Good Hope Baptist Church met at the church for a spend the day, Friday November 13. Mrs. Bessie (John) Christian is President and Mrs. B.H. Reid is Vice-President. Mrs. Stella Weeks is Secretary. They had a very good meeting and will observe the day of prayer next week.

Doctor and Mrs. C.M. Gross are the proud parents of a baby girl, in October 1936.

Mr. Tone Tubbs, of Mount Joy, has been very ill, with asthma, this past week.

The preacher, J.E. Creel has moved to the George Johnson place, near Bremen, to live this year.

Preacher J.L. Carlisle preached at Mount Joy on Saturday and Sunday and at the home of Mr. McKinney on Sunday afternoon, for those unable to attend church.

Reverend H.R. Edwards was at his church (Shelton Grove) on Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Otto Scott has moved to Hanceville, Route One.

At Welti School, officers have been elected and committees have been appointed for this school year. Student body president is Drennon Talley, vice- president is Ida Helton, secretary- treasurer is Mildred Guess. Class officers are Rachel Nuss, Elbert Glasscock, Harold Boyd, Roberta Harris, Dudley Reid and Deuell Talley. Mildred Guess has the highest grade in school.

Herman Ryan has moved from Ryan’s Cross Roads to Beech Grove. He will live in the house, formerly owned by A.C. Gaither.

Jesse Johnson is recovering from a badly mashed foot. Two logs fell from a truck on it.