East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church to celebrate 100 years 

Current church building (Photos courtesy of Karen Munger)

Photo with cars is the current church building, one without cars is the original before the renovations over the years.CULLMAN, Ala. – On Sunday, May 23, East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church (EPC) will be celebrating 100 years of “worshipping, serving and loving the Lord.” The celebration will coincide with the church’s decoration services and a special worship service, followed by a fellowship meal will begin at 10:30 a.m. According to the church website’s event listing, “There will be historical displays to browse, and a time of sharing will be observed during the worship service. All past members are encouraged to attend. There will also be members present on Sat. May 22 to answer questions and provide tours of the church building. Light refreshments will be available on this day.” 

Karen Munger from EPC Presbyterian provided a history of the church and its founding: 

“Rev. T. E. Bright organized the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of East Point (as it was first named) on May 22, 1921. The congregation began meeting in the Old Grassy Branch schoolhouse. There were 15 charter members (there may have been more):  

  • Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Edison  
  • Mr. & Mrs. John Barnett 
  • Mr. & Mrs. Coy Reynolds  
  • Mrs. Annie Lou Thomas 
  • Mrs. Malissa Brooks  
  • Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Sparks 
  • Verdie Sparks  
  • Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kennedy 
  • Mr. & Mrs. John Ruehl  
  • B. F. Morrow 
  • Gena Keller  
  • Mr. & Mrs. F. G. Blakely 

Rev. T. E. Bright served the congregation many years as pastor. Others serving as pastor included Rev. W. D. Edison, Rev. Joe Huffman, Rev. Homer Ridgeway, Rev. J. P. Bright, Rev. D. C. Murphree, Rev. Floyd Gober, Rev. Hershel Jones, Rev. Wayne Wiman, Rev. Tom Ray, Rev. Neil Morris, Rev.  E. W. Weathersby, Rev. Martin Rudolph, Rev. Lional Garner, Rev. Grady Patterson (who served as pastor of 19 years), Rev. Howard Rodgers, Rev. Talmadge Bright, Rev. Howard Melton, Rev. Floyd Bradford, Rev. Tommy Graves and Rev. Hughlen Murphree. The current pastor is Rev. Phillip Nickles. 

The Congregation met in the in the schoolhouse until 1940 when they build the present day Rock building. The men of the church hauled rocks from the State rock quarry by wagon.  The building was renovated and remodeled through the years, but remains in the same location. The adjoining cemetery was begun in 1925 with the interment of charter member Malissa Brooks. The Decoration Day of the cemetery will also be May 22-23.” 

Original church building (Photos courtesy of Karen Munger)

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Heather Mann
