Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950


From the files of 1936

Mr. G.W. Tingle passed away on October 10. There were 12 children born to this union. Burial was at Mars Hill, Tennessee.

Attorney John H. Chapman has located in Cullman.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tucker left for Georgia last week, where they will make their home according to Mrs. Ellen Sinyard and children.

George Screws and Mrs. Willie Reid were married last Friday.

Mrs. Jewell Miller and children from Trade were the guests of the Jackson Guthery’s on Sunday.

Miss Grace Metz and Mr. Morris of Albany were married on Saturday evening.

A bird dog belonging to Lot Jones was killed by lightning, about the center of the street, in front of Leeth Bank, on Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Wilma Voight gave a delightful oyster supper last week.

Students enrolled at the University of Alabama in 1936 are Harry and Dwight Fuller and Kathleen Calvert.

Those married this week were Leon Murphree, 22, to Lucille Skipper, 18.

The Reverend H.R. Edwards preached at Shelton Grove on Saturday and Sunday.

From the files of 1950

Ken Goodson’s pear tree cannot figure out this year’s weather. It bloomed in January and is blooming again.

Mr. and Mrs. George Stiefelmeyer, Junior have a new daughter, Betty Louise.

Attending the Explorer Scout rendezvous in the Bankhead Forest last weekend were Arville Whisenhunt, Robert Kelley, Bob Mashburn, Claude Schlosser, Reverend Marion Schwallie, Shirley Wood, Jerry Willis, Jene Glasscock, Jerry Patrick, Pat Padgett, J.D. Morgan, J.S. Pearce, J. Ray McDowell, Othel Horsely, Virgil Barnett, James L. Louvorn, Ellis Calvert, Edwin Calvert, Chyron Wood, Sonny Crawford, David Quattlebaum, Alvin Hinkle,  Don Robinson and Chriss Doss.