Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930


From the files of 1900:

Miss Fannie Watts of Etha is attending music school at Holly Pond.

D.E. Jones is postmaster at Jones Chapel.

The sixth annual session of the West Cullman Singing Convention was held at Bethlehem West on August 3, 4 and 5.

J.M. Wilks presided. L.B. Cornelius acted as secretary. L.A. Worley was made chairman.

Reverend G.W. Chandler is teaching a singing school at Good Hope.

Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Hanlin and family returned Thursday from a visit to their old home in Indiana.


From the files of 1930:

Probate Judge H.F. Mitchell has received Cullman County’s allotment of new auto tags for 1931. The tags are yellow on a green background.

Jim Martin, 81, died at his home near Missionary Grove on Monday.

Cullman County High will open on August 25 with the following faculty members: M.H. Killingsworth, Virgil Collins, A.S. Johnston, J.H.S. Church, Sanford Clark, Pauline Neighbors, Minnie Harris, William T. Wilks, Nannie Lou Jenkins, Mary Nicholson, Ethel Rogers, Ruby D. Doyle, Susan Patterson, Freda Hartung, Thelma Goodwin and P.F. Bria.

Mrs. C.H. Bedingfield entertained at bridge on Friday afternoon.

Miss Lorene Fischer returned Tuesday from a three month tour of Europe.

Miss Sarah Lillian Ritcher has returned home after spending the summer with relatives in Birmingham.

Orus McMinn has recovered from a serious attack of malaria.

Miss Elizabeth Otwell who has been attending summer school at Boston, Massachusetts, has arrived home to visit her parents.

Mrs. Mary Julian of Blountsville is visiting Mrs. T.C. Holmes and Mrs. Clyde Stewart.

Miss Doris Bland left on Saturday for New Orleans for a visit with friends.

Miss Maggie Brown, who has been attending school at Jacksonville, has arrived home for a vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Olin Brandon are spending several weeks in Arkansas.

Mrs. Gundy Schafer entertained with a picnic lunch, on Sunday, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hayward and Mrs. John Schafer of Michigan.


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