Files from Yesteryear: 1930 and 1936


From the files of 1930:

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Calloway are in Georgia at the bedside of Mrs. Calloway’s mother, Mrs. Crutchfield, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Whatley announce the birth of a little daughter.

Charles Bilgere died, in Birmingham, on Friday morning and funeral services were held on Saturday at the Sacred Heart Church here.

Mr. and Mrs. McGee have arrived from Tampa, Florida, to take charge of the Alabama Hotel, here.


From the files of 1936:

Electric washing machines are advertised by C.A. Stiefelmeyer for $44.00 for one model and $52.50 for the other model.

Doctor Sidney Morrow, of Birmingham, spent Sunday in Cullman as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Bess Morrow.

(In the November 1916 election, these were elected: Probate Judge, Fred J. Buchmann (R), Circuit Clerk, O.S. Roden (D), Tax Collector, Lee Cochran (R), County Commissioners, L.A. Kelton (D), E.T. Knight (D), J.B. White (D) and J.A. Vickery (R).

Artie Thracher, of Panama, is visiting relatives in Tennessee.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesmith were the Saturday night guests of her brother, the Troy Phillips, of Bethsadia.

Arvie Walker has bought a fine pair of mules.

Mr. Louis Freeman passed away at his residence, near Pine Hill.

The Vinemont 4-H Club elected officers at the school on Wednesday: President- Marie Drake, Vice-President-Dorothy Lawrence, Secretary-Daisy Edge, Cheer Leader-Myron Nesmith and Song Leader- Naomi DeMonia. They made baking powder biscuits and ended the meeting doing a cheer.

Leroy Box died in Texas. He leaves a wife and four children. His three sisters here are Daisy, Lillie and Sardis Box. Daisy attended the funeral in Plains, Texas.

The Women’s Missionary Society of Good Hope Baptist Church met at the church for a spend the day, Friday, November 13th. Mrs. Bessie (John) Christian is President and Mrs. B.H. Reid is Vice-President. Mrs. Stella Weeks is Secretary. They had a very good meeting and will observe the day of prayer next week.

Doctor and Mrs. C.M. Gross are the proud parents of a baby girl, in October, 1936.

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