Files from Yesteryear: Jan. 25, 1933

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of Jan. 25, 1933


Jan. 19 – Claude Glass, 27 to Miss Annie Hudson, 21.

Jan. 20 – Hubert Edmondson, 24 to Miss Fredylee Roberson, 18.

Jan. 20 – Allen Day, 20 to Miss Elsie Rene McCain, 18.

Jan. 20 – L. O. Hesterly, 27 to Miss Johnnie Lee Gross, 19.

Jan. 21 – John A. Collins, 26 to Miss Lillie Forester, 21.

Jan. 23 – Burna Boyd, 22 to Mrs. Bessie Carroll, 25.

Jan. 23 – Thos. B. Grimes, 24 to Miss Ressie Mason, 22.

Jan. 23 – John S. Sanders, 68 (col.) to Ellen Young, 68 (col.).

Jan. 25 – Henry E. Noles, 25 to Miss Venie McGriff, 20.

Jan. 25 – Sam Allen, 29 to Mrs. Lillie Troncalli, 32.

Jan. 26 – W. E. Bush, 22 to Miss Essie Lea Bryan, 19.



SALE OR TRADE – One electric ceiling fan, Illinois watch, also piano, perfect condition, to trade for automobile. See or write Millard Buchmann, Jitney Lunch, Cullman, Ala. 26jan-1o.

BABY CHICKS FOR SALE – Day old and started. Let us do your hatching. Cullman Hatchery, Cullman, Ala. Phone 189. 19jan-tf-o

WANTED – Reliable man, age 25 to 50, to supply established demand for Rawleigh Products in South Lawrence county, also City of Cullman. Other good localities available. Company furnishes everything but the car. Good profits for hustlers. Write the W. T. Rawleigh Company, Memphis, Tenn, or see me. T. N. Bankston, Empire, Ala. 22dec-50


Vinemont R. 1, Jan. 23. — We are glad to report that Mrs. Alice Lay is improving after a severe case of the flu.

We regret to report that O. P. Brandon is not doing so well.

A large crowd from this place went to Muscle Shoals Saturday to hear President-elect Roosevelt’s talk.

Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Yeager and family are visiting their parents and friends at Fairview.

A small crowd attended the 4-H club meeting Thursday night.

Larkin Yates, principal of the Bolti school, spent the week end with home folks here.

Mrs. Ben Kimbrough of Texas, has returned home to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Shelton.

Misses Edith and Elaine Smith have returned to their home in Falkville after spending a few weeks with Miss Margaret Wilkerson.

Ralph Nance of Hartselle, spent Monday night with J. Nesmith and family.

Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Rodgers returned Friday from a visit to Arkadelphia.

Manuel Rooker of Bethel, spent Sunday evening with C. V. Walker.


Miss Mary Elizabeth Wiggins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wiggins, formerly of Cullman, and now residing in Birmingham, sings over radio station WAPI in Birmingham, three days per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between 4:30 and 5:00 o’clock.

Miss Wiggins has received many letters of congratulations complimenting her splendid voice for which she gratefully acknowledges her thanks.