Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 19, 1957

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of Dec. 19, 1957

Barbara Yost To Lead S.T.A.R. Dance

Miss Barbara Yost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Yost, will lead the Fourteenth Annual S.T.A.R. Dance, Saturday night, December 21st at the Cullman High School gym. The lead-out will start at 9 o’clock.

Miss Yost will be escorted by Bobby Jacobs; Diane Hudson, vice-president, will be escorted by Robert Gray; Sharon Dahlke, secretary, escorted by Stacy Thomas; Jane Ann Merrill, treasurer, escorted by Don Brandon; and Mary Benton Engel, reporter, escorted by Max Brown. Other members and their escorts include Becky Hudson and Ken Campbell; Barbara Duffey and Wayne Blalock; Pat Schaefer and Butch Bachmann; Becky Maxey and Allen Green; Leanna Morrow and Gale Montgomery; Lucinda Leeth and John Heatherly; Sandy McPhillips and Hubert Grissom; Susie West and Joe Mac Roden; Jackie Hamilton and Dale Cook. Millard Buchmann and his orchestra will present the music.

Mrs. Duncan Hostess Coterie Christmas Party

Mrs. Joe Duncan was hostess to members of The Coterie at their annual Christmas dinner party on Friday evening at the Ewing Wallace home.

A lighted Christmas tree, a santa (made by the hostess), and Christmas arrangements were used to decorate for the party.

Celophane bags of home baked cookies marked places for Mesdames Joe C. Sapp, W. D. Cook, Henry Young, J. G. Daves, O. P. Jackson, J. M. Oldacre, J. E. Sutterer, Dwight Pylant, Owen Williams, Frank Stitt, J. M. Lee, Henry F. Arnold, Forney Fuller, R. M. James, Allen Hyatt, W. P. Gibbs, H. F. Mitchell, Bruce Pylant, L. J. Vogel, L. V. Yates, J. A. Dunlap, V. L. Vines and the hostess.

Mrs. W. D. Cook, presided at the business meeting when the group voted to nominate Mrs. Gertrude Harkins and Wm. R. Griffin as woman and man-of-the-year candidates.

Mrs. Allen Hyatt read a delightful Christmas story “Alice Returns”, and led group singing of Christmas carols.

The meeting closed with a gift exchange.

Esther Moye Circle Has Christmas Party

Members of Esther Moye Circle of Seventh Street Baptist Church enjoyed their Christmas meeting on December 9th at the lovely new home of Mrs. Tommy Hendrix at Vinemont, with Mrs. Ben Lambert as co-hostess.

Candles, holly and berries decorated the house for the party.

After the mission program the group enjoyed a gift exchange.

A delicious buffet supper was served to Mesdames J. F. Edwards Noel Tidwell, R. B. Moyers, Guy Hodge, H. E. Walker, Oren Shaw, Silas Fuller, W. L. Dunlap, Novie Chaney, Ethel Pierce, W. H. Bailey H. W. Askea, Lena Patterson and the hostesses.

Berlin Sunshine Club Has Christmas Meeting

The Berlin Sunshine Club held its Christmas party at the club room on December 10th with Bertha Boyles and Janette Witcher as co-hostesses.

The devotional was given by Janette Witcher, a Christmas story by Edna White and the program completed by group singing of carols led by Lois Burks.

Delicious refreshments were served to those mentioned and to Mesdames Billie Jean Payne, Eron Duke, Rosa Boyls, Dovie Duke, Nell Bailey, Dorris Smith, Emma Payne, Ruth Harris, Mary Patterson, Theoline Jones, Mantez Johnston, Nell Payne, Susie Smith Gladys Sticher, Magaline Smith, Nora Grizzard, Betty Smith, Josie Duke, Estell Walker, Elsie Teichmiller, Elva Jackson and Christine Jones.

Children guests were Marvalene Jones, Sandra Smith, Nikki Parrish, Tony Duke, Mike, Sharlene, and Sandra Payne, Peggy Ellen Sticher, Jo Ann Bently and Jo Ann Walker.