Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of 1900

The Polytechnic College will close Friday and the scholars will picnic at Blue Hole on Saturday.

Mrs. Judge Fuller and pretty little daughter, Gladys and Miss Caroline Schlosser visited Birmingham this week.

Oster and “Baby” McMinn returned home on Tuesday, from Memphis, Tennessee, where they have been attending school.

C.O. Adkins, W.G. Brown, R.E. Lee and A.J. Allgood spent several days fishing near Decatur this week.

J.H. Ryan has purchased an interest in Mr. Julian’s business and the firm is now styled as Julian and Ryan. They take first class photographs, repair bicycles, clocks, watches and jewelry.

Misses Carrie and Ada Brown, Mrs. Pearl Callahan, Berney Wilhite, R.M. Brown and Joe Hewlett were among those who attended the commencement exercises at Falkville last week.

From the files of 1950

The reserve champion steer in the Birmingham Fat Calf Show was exhibited by Kennon Wood. Other local winners were: Asa Blalock, Dois Sims and Ralph Blalock.

Holly Pond graduates include: Royce Bailey, Milford Black, Lewis Brown, Ezell Cornelius, O’Neal Daniel, Harrol Dismukes, Dane Estes, Earnestine Gable, Virginia Hart, Hershel Henderson and Guy Hunt, etc.

Louis J. McPherson, age 69, of Bangor, died on May 10th, in Gulfport, Mississippi, following an automobile accident.

The County-Wide 4-H Rally will be held at Cullman High on Saturday, May 20th.

Two arrests have been made in conjunction with four separate egg robberies from McAnnally Produce Company in Garden City, involving 113 cases of eggs.

Bud Lawrence, of Vinemont, had his tonsils removed on Saturday at Doctor Stitt’s Clinic.

Isaac Whisenant, of Hulaco, is in the Guntersville Hospital receiving treatment for a punctured lung and breaks in both legs.

The Lee Franklins returned to Holly Pond from Chicago after attending the Southern Baptist Convention.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunkin have a new television, which is a popular community attraction at Holly Pond.

Mr. and Mrs. Sim J. Calvert (formerly Martha Jane Aaron), will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary on May 26th. Their children’s names all start with an “E.” The boys are Edgar, Ervin, Ellis, Emory and Everett. The girls are Mrs. Essie Henry, Mrs. Ella Austin, Mrs. Ethel Giles and Miss Eva Calvert.

Mrs. J.W. Morgan was the Sunday winner of the orchid on the Kessler Good Neighbor program.

The annual all day singing will be held at Welti on Sunday, May 28th. Everyone is urged to bring a well-filled lunch basket.

Mrs. Owen Williams is the new president of Coterie.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Sullins have a new daughter, Margaret June, born on May 16th.