Files from Yesteryear: 1939


From the Files of 1939:

Hanceville Happenings

Funeral services for Mr. J.W. Rice, 84-year-old resident of Hanceville, Route Three, who passed away on December 1st, were held at Arkadelphia on December 2nd with Reverend Lonzo Carlisle officiating and Drinkard in charge.

Mr. Rice is survived by two brothers, Silas and Dock Rice, three sisters, Mrs. Mary Blalock, Mrs. Rhodie Reddings and Mrs. Pet Rice, four sons, J.M., Lonnie, M.L. and G.C. Rice and three daughters, Mrs. Minnie Purely, Mrs. Maudie Lee and Mrs. Mattie Mitchell.

The marriage of Miss Mariglenn Callaham and Mr. Harold Golden took place at 8:30 on Saturday night, November 25th, in the parlor of the Methodist Parsonage in Chisholm, with the Reverend W.B. Atkinson, officiating.

Mrs. Golden is the attractive daughter of Mr. V.O. Callaham, of Vinemont.

The groom is the older son of Mr. E.L. Golden and the late Mrs. Golden.

Marriage Licenses December 9th

Grady Little, 21, to Gerdie Nell Marlow, 21; Hoyt G. Norman, 18, to Violet Marie Wilcutt, 18; Eldridge Grady Taylor, 24, to Dorothy McCombs, 18; Cleon Helton, 22, to Deanie Mae Hunt, 18; Jesse P. Jones, 22, to Gladys Duckett, 18; Frank Roberts, 26, to Alice Francis Chopp, 18; John M. Springer, 21, to Frances Ruehl, 17 and Oscar Mann, 45, to Mrs. Grethel Hardin, 30.

December 12th

Earl Burl Clark, 25, to Mae Kuykendall, 23.

Another engagement! Well, it looks as if Cullman might not lose this couple, at least for a while. That very attractive Elsa Kempson (I’ve always thought she was quite, quite charming) will be married on Christmas Eve to Benjamin Carroll Eddins.

Twenty-five years ago! Among the many happenings of that eventful year, 1914, was the wedding of Miss Gertis Mitchell and L.J. Vogel, Junior. Well, next Sunday they, with their two handsome sons, Louis III and Jack, are celebrating their Silver Wedding Anniversary with a tea from four to six o’clock at their beautiful home.

Wright Reunion Held

The third reunion of the Wright family was held at Logan, on last Sunday, at the home of L.P. White. The youngest members of the family to attend were in their sixties. Mrs. Artelia Henry, who is 84, Mr. J.B. Wright, who is 79, W.A. Wright, 76 and M.M. Wright, 70, attended the reunion as did J.E. Wright, of Decatur and Mrs. Minnie Horsley, of Arley.

The two oldest of the family were unable to attend. They are F.P. Wright, of Texas, who is 86 and J.A. Wright, 92, of Oklahoma.

Although the Wrights intend to hold the reunion again next year, they have not decided as yet, as to where it will convene.

Mrs. J.H. Smith and the Henry Arnolds spent last Sunday in Attalla with Mrs. J.T. King and family.

Florence Students Dramatize Stories

Recently the children’s literature classes of Miss Hazel Breland, of Florence State Teachers College, have dramatized a number of children’s stories and presented these to the elementary grades.

Engaged in this activity were: Evelyn Tankersley, Cullman; Hubert Heck, Herbert Driver, Roberta Driver, Vinemont; Jewell West, Maud Crowder, Hanceville and Dorsey Thomas, Holly Pond.

Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Jones and Mrs. Jones’ mother, Mrs. W.W. Hall are in Memphis, Tennessee, where they are attending the funeral of Mrs. J.W. Jones, who passed away there on December 12th.