Sick for the holidays?


CULLMAN, Ala. – No one likes to be sick during the holidays, especially when family gatherings and holiday events are happening. Sadly, you will need to stay home from the fun if you are sick. It is not wise to gift others with sickness this holiday season. Reconnect with friends and family after you are well. Stay home when you are sick and stay germ free when you are well.

According to Cullman Regional Assistant VP, Marketing & Communications Jennifer Malone, the hospital has seen recent outbreaks of sickness.

“In Cullman Regional ER and urgent care clinics as well as Cullman Regional Medical Group’s primary care clinics, we are seeing a significant increase of flu type A in adults and pediatric patients,” she said. “We’re also seeing a significant increase of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in our pediatric clinic.”

Always visit a doctor if you are sick. Additionally, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and keep a healthy diet.

Here are some tips on how to stay germ free:

  • Always wash your hands after shopping and before eating
  • Keep your environment clean
  • Practice good hygiene
  • Always cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
  • Keep tissues on-hand and always throw away dirty tissues

Pediatrician Dr. Chris Dodd with Cullman Regional Medical Group said parents should always feel comfortable taking their children to see a pediatrician if they feel it necessary.

“While these common winter viruses can cause fever and make children feel ill, anytime a fever lasts more than two to three days it’s a good idea to see a pediatrician to determine if any secondary complications have developed,” he said. “If parents have concerns at any point during an illness, they should never feel that it’s a problem to see the pediatrician sooner. Parents should always feel encouraged to see their child’s doctor when they think something may be wrong.”

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