FAITH: ‘Helping someone find God is the most loving thing you could do for them’: Cold Springs’ Kenady Graves discuss her relationship with God

Cold Springs’ Kenady Graves (35). (Nick Griffin/The Cullman Tribune)

BREMEN, Ala. – Kenady Graves is a senior at Cold Springs High School this season and in this interview, she talked about the impact Goad has made in her life. She also shared some of her favorite Bible verses and shared how much it means to her to be able to help other people find God.

“God has impacted my life in every way. He has shown me unconditional love and grace through absolutely everything, and He continues to do so every single day,” Graves said. “My favorite verse would definitely have to be Psalms 55:22. I came across this verse during a time I really needed it. This verse means so much to me, because it talks about casting your cares to the Lord, and it’s a daily reminder in my life that no matter how big or small my cares/worries are, God is not asking me to handle them alone. We are so blessed to serve a God who is bigger than anything we face.”

“I think helping someone find God is the most loving thing you could do for them. God is not only my creator, but my comforter, and I pray that everyone should get to know Him and have a relationship with Him, because He is my everything. So many people look to the world for answers, happiness, peace, etc., and they may even believe that they have found these things in the world, but everything on this Earth is temporary, and only the Lord can satisfy us. If someone finds God, they have found everything they need.”

Kenady has helped out at a couple of different events and felt blessed to be a part of those. Being that Godly role model for a lot of people means the world to her.

“One of my favorite things that I’ve done has been helping out at the Field of Miracles. All of the people there are so amazing and just such a blessing to be around. They are some of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, and they all have such wonderful personalities. I also recently helped with my church’s vacation Bible school, and I really enjoyed that. I love being with kids and getting to help them during VBS was such a blessing,” she said. “It means so much to me. I know that people, especially kids, watch and pay attention to the way we live, and it’s so important to set a good example. God’s children are called to be different. Whether we realize it or not, people are watching the way we live our lives, and as Christians, we are representing the Lord. It’s important that we lead others to the Lord through our actions rather than away from them.”

She has several role models that she looks up to and feels blessed to have in her life.

“I’m blessed to have multiple Godly role models in my life. I have the best parents and family in the world that have been telling me about Jesus for all of my life. My mom and dad have not only told me about God, but they have also shown me what it means/what it looks like to follow Him and keep Him in the center of everything. My grandmother has always been a huge role model in my life, and now more than ever, she has shown me what true strength and confidence in the Lord is. She has battled so much and has never let any of it shake her faith in the Lord. I also have the best friends in the world, and they have taught me so much. My friends have taught me to let go of things and truly surrender to God. They have shown me that I should live my life without letting fear getting in the way, and they have been right by my side through everything.”

Kenady gave some advice to those people that want a relationship with God but are having trouble doing that.

“My advice to anyone wanting a relationship with God would be to just remember that everyone starts somewhere and that everyone has their own journey/testimony. Surround yourself with good people that love the Lord and push yourself closer to Him. Prayer is so powerful, and there’s no specific way that you have to do it. Just tell God what’s on your heart and invite Him into your life. Reading God’s word will tell you how exactly how God calls us to live and tells the good news of our savior Jesus Christ. I would also recommend finding a church that’s a good fit for you. God calls us to fellowship, and fellowshipping with other believers can help you with your own walk with Christ in many ways.”

She shared some of the traditions that she participates in her with church and teammates and being around players that love God as well has helped her out a lot.

“This past season, we were blessed to have our local churches come and speak to the athletes before each home game, and we would also say a prayer before each game. Being around other people that love God helps me out a lot when it comes to growing my relationship with God. Being around them and seeing how they treat others and live their lives, that taught me so much, and it really helped me grow in my faith,” she said. “Something that God has been really laying on my heart and teaching me lately is to truly surrender to Him and stop trying to handle things on my own. Most of the time, I don’t even realize that I’m trying to take matters into my own hands. Sometimes, I catch myself worrying about things that I’ve already prayed and talked to God about. Once you have given something to God, don’t try to take it back. God doesn’t tell us we have to handle anything on our own. Instead, He wants us to bring all of our cares to Him and let our battles belong to Him. I’ve learned that, thanks to God and His love for me, I don’t have to live in fear. God has taught me that He is greater than anything we face, and that through our trials, we should fully surrender to Him.”

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