TRIBUNE COLUMN: News from the Pond, June 30


Holly Pond Civitan Club members with their two guest speakers at their recent meeting; Julia Floyd, secretary; Kay Stewart, local club president; Megan Mindel, membership specialist, Civitan International; Jenny Ely, director of donor relations and strategy, Civitan International; Lyndell House, Lynn Jetton and Tammy Baker.

Hello, Tribune readers and families. I’m glad to be able to return for this week of “News from the Pond.” I have surely missed being in touch with all of you.

First of all, may I say congratulations to Isaac Smith, who was awarded the J.O. Carnell Good Citizenship Award for the year at Holly Pond High School. Isaac is the son of Doctor Mitch and Shelia Smith. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge “Bud” Smith, who attend my church and are lifelong friends. Isaac is the third generation of his family to receive this Good Citizenship award. This award is given annually to a deserving graduating senior in honor of my father.

The Holly Pond Civitans met on Tuesday night, June 26 in the Guy Hunt Library building. Mrs. Kay Stewart, president, presided. Holly Pond Civitans were honored to have two very special guests who presented our program. They were Ms. Jenny Ely, director of donor relations and strategy, for Civitan International and Ms. Megan Mindel, membership specialist for Civitan International. They were given a bit of local color with a tour of Holly Pond and then taken out for supper at the Holly Pond Café.

Ms. Mindel presented a very informative and challenging program on club membership development. Her topic included intentional recruiting of new Civitan members for upcoming years. One member from each club attending was asked to fill out an information sheet and from that there were written on poster board things about each club. The Holly Pond club went first, as hosts, followed by Arab Club, Hanceville Club, Guntersville ladies and men’s clubs. Each club was given an opportunity to tell about projects its club has done. Each club was then asked to submit questions about membership. Holly Pond Civitans served refreshments and all enjoyed a delightful fellowship.

The Dripping Springs Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held its end of the year installation brunch recently at St. Johns Church. The special guest who installed the new officers was Mrs. Tammy Clemmons, Alabama Society DAR first vice-regent. Following the installation, she presented each officer with a beautiful red rose. New officers include: Julia Floyd, local regent; Brenda Scott, registrar, Nancy Horton, secretary, Pam Reid, vice- regent, Linda Kuykendall, chaplain, Jane Teeter, corresponding secretary and Donna Cornelius, treasurer.

You are reminded to stay cool during these hot summer months and be safe.

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