Maebell Apel honored with rare Colonel Cullmann Award

Hannah Ward

John Apel accepts the Colonel Cullmann Award, Honorary Col. Cullmann medallion and Key to the City from Mayor Max A. Townson on behalf of his mother, Maebell Apel.

CULLMAN – At this week’s Cullman City Council meeting, Mayor Max A. Townson honored resident Maebell Apel with the Colonel Cullmann Award, effectively making her an Honorary Cullman Colonel. Apel’s son, John Apel, accepted the award on his mother’s behalf.

The Colonel Cullmann Award is a rare honor. It has only been given to a handful of citizens. Part of the certificate read:

“This honor is bestowed upon those who make great sacrifices and contributions to our community. Col. Cullmann would be very proud of the contributions made by Maebell Apel – a true communitarian – and the Apel family.

FURTHER, I also hereby present to Maebell Apel the KEY TO THE CITY OF CULLMAN on behalf of the City Council and the citizens of Cullman. This is the true key to the hearts of the citizens of Cullman.”

Townson also presented Maebell Apel with a Key to the City and the official Honorary Col. Cullmann medallion.

According to Townson, “She was instrumental in education big time; she was on the school board for 15 years. She had vision to build that new school and then she was instrumental in the science building.”

John Apel said, “My mother is 97, and she is still always bragging about Cullman.”

In standing committee reports, Councilman Andy Page (Public Safety Committee), Andy Page reported, “We had Oktoberfest Wednesday through Sunday and all indications pointed to it being really successful. We had a big crowd that seemed to have a lot of fun. We had good music, good food!"

Oktoberfest in Cullman was a shorter event this year. Instead of lasting two weekends, it was shortened to only one.

According to Cullman Police Chief Kenny Culpepper, "We had no major issues at Oktoberfest, it was very peaceful." Fire Chief Edward Reinhardt, Jr. added that there were no big incidents or issues.

Councilman Clint Hollingsworth (Tourism Committee), said, “Oktoberfest was the focus obviously, the restaurants were very busy and there was a lot of attention on social media.”

A public hearing was set for Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. for Ordinance No. 2017 – 01 – to rezone a 138.83-acre tract owned by the Industrial Development Board from M1-P Manufacturing District to AG-1 Agricultural District.

A request from Rebekah Mickle of Cullman First Baptist Church for a special event permit to hold their annual Trunk-or-Treat on Oct. 26 from 6-8 p.m. was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. 2016 – 98 – To vacate and surplus Tolleson Road NW subject to utility easements which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Planning Commission, was approved unanimously.

Resolution No. 2016 – 122 – To canvass the results from the run-off municipal election on Oct. 4. was discussed. Cullman City Clerk Wesley M. Moore verified all boxes in the election were correct except one that was increased by one vote.

Resolution No. 2016 – 123 – To issue a certificate of election for Cullman City School Board Place No. 2 to Chris Branham, was approved.

The council approved Air-Evac coverage renewal.

The Cullman City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at Cullman City Hall. The public is welcome to attend.

Honorary Cullman Colonel Maebell Apel by cullmansense on Scribd

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