County Attorney authorized to file proceedings against business for nonpayment of taxes; several items approved

Amy Hasenbein Leonard

CULLMAN – The Cullman County Commission met on Tuesday morning for an expedited meeting where 13 items of new business were voted on in 10 minutes.

The commission authorized County Attorney Chad Floyd to file court proceedings against a county business for nonpayment of three months’ worth of sales tax.

A request from New Ground Fellowship, a non-denominational church off of U.S. Highway 278 West, to hold a July 30 prayer event was granted. The Saturday vigil will take place in the south parking lot of the Cullman County Courthouse from 2-6 p.m.

Commissioners approved a request from the Forestry Commission for a $30,607 Ford F-250 purchase and authorized an additional payment to ALDOT in the amount of $12,165 for the continued resurfacing of County Road 222. They also accepted the bid for four emergency generators for the Water Department in an amount not provided.

A proposal for the outside fire exit stairs at the sales tax office was approved along with the authorization for the construction bid solicitation by F&O Architects.

The Cullman County Safety Inspection Policy and Procedure was approved as was the grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration in regard to the south taxiway work to be done at the Cullman Regional Airport.

Resolution 2016-22, which sets the speed limit on County Road 365 at 25 mph, was approved. The road runs along Smith Lake and leads to Speegle’s Marina according to Commissioner Garry Marchman. An Adopt-a-Mile application for a one-mile portion of County Road 1228 was approved for Bobby McMurty.

A bid for aggregate is to be shared by Vulcan Materials and Madison Materials per the advisement of County Engineer John Lang.

Finally, contract extensions were awarded to Eidson Petroleum for the supply of gas and diesel fuel and to Ergon, Inc. for fog and scrub seal.

The next commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 26 at the Cullman County Courthouse with the work session beginning at 8:30 a.m. and regular meeting at 10 a.m. The public is invited to attend.