OPINION: A Letter to My Fellow Republicans

By: ,
ABC News

My Fellow Republicans,

My name is David Andrews. I am a loyal supporter. Tomorrow is primary day. We will go to the polls and select our favorite candidate for president. I am proudly supporting Marco Rubio. Some people are supporting other candidates. That is okay, because it's part of the process.

But, at the end of this nominating process, we need to be united around the GOP nominee. I have watched as the party of Lincoln and Reagan is tearing itself apart. It breaks my heart to see this. This #nevertrump movement is disastrous for the party. While I vote for Rubio Tuesday, I respect Donald Trump for bringing up the issues that Americans are talking about. This insulting each other is not good for us. We can disagree on policy issues, but let's stop acting like school kids. If Donald Trump is the nominee, I will support him. The alternative is far worse.

Remember, we are the party of limited government, lower taxes and strong defense. And for those who cringe at Rubio's "support of amnesty," remember, our champion of conservatism, Ronald Reagan, signed an amnesty bill for those illegals here at that time. And he is put on a pedestal.  If we nitpick every single issue, then how are we going to grow the conservative movement?

So, whoever the nominee is, we need to support him. I am voting Rubio because I believe he represents Reagan conservatism better than some. Look at his policies.


Thank you,

David Andrews