Dodge City Seniors Love to Visit


DODGE CITY – Every Tuesday, the Dodge City Senior Citizens group gather together at the Town Hall’s basement, or the Community Center, to share a few laughs, play a few games and eat a great lunch. The luncheon begins at 9 a.m. and lasts until the food runs out. Some days, the group goes on special field trips together instead of staying at the center. No matter what, this group of people really knows how to have a good time!

Mrs. Brenda Wilson and Mrs. Louise Sprague, members of the group for quite some time, each enjoy being with their friends and hearing the latest gossip during these luncheons.

“This is a good group,” said Ms. Sprague. “I love my seniors – and I am a senior!” she smiled sheepishly. “We always have a great time.”

Dodge City’s Mayor Tawana Canada is also a member of this exciting group. She truly enjoys the time she spends with the group and together they have lots of fun. Sitting side by side a handful of other fine ladies, she cheerfully chatted away.

“Come and join the fun because Dodge City has the best seniors in the world,” Canada said proudly.

“If you come one time, you will definitely come back,” grinned Kathleen Fine as she spoke about the luncheon.

If you or someone you know would like to come out and see what all the talk is about, the group would love to have you! The Community Center is located at 130 Howard Circle, Dodge City, AL 35077. All senior citizens from the community are invited to join the fun. For more information, you may call the community center at 256-287-0364. Mayor Tawana Canada would be happy to give you all the information you need about the senior group. She can also be reached by email at