GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Good Hope’s City Council held its first meeting of 2025 at Good Hope City Hall Monday night and they had several new business items to discuss. After hearing reports from council members, the council approved a recommendation from the City’s Alcohol Review Committee for a new alcohol license for Good Hope Grocery.
Alcohol Review Committee letter
“The Alcohol Review Committee held a public hearing on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 6:00 pm, to review Good Hope Grocery, Inc. retail liquor (package store), off premise beer and wine license application. The application was approved. The ARC would like to make a recommendation to the Mayor and Council of the City of Good Hope to approve the license and submit an approval letter to ABC.”
The council also passed a resolution and a pair of new ordinances, starting with a resolution to renew its municipal membership with AirMedCare for AirEvac services at an annual cost of $9,424.00. Any individual who resides within the boundaries of City of Good Hope when transported for medical necessity by AirEvac Lifeteam (or any AirMedCare Network Provider) will be covered under the standard terms and conditions for an AirMedCare Network membership.
Transport must be from a pickup location in Cullman County and if the covered individual transported is uninsured at the time of transport, AirEvac Lifeteam will bill the covered individual at the “Medicare Allowable Rate” for the transport.
Resolution No. 001-2025: Municipal Site Plan with Air Evac
“WHEREAS, City of Good Hope has authority to expend certain funds, specifically alcohol funds at will; and
WHEREAS, Good Hope does desire benefits for the citizens inside its city limits;
WHEREFORE, Air Evac is submitting a municipal site plan for the citizens of the City of Good Hope
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Good Hope is hereby authorized to execute the Municipal Site Plan already in place, as voted upon in a regular meeting of the city council on Monday, January 26, 2016. Said Municipal Site Plan will be paid for out of alcohol funds and terms and conditions of agreement are made a part of this resolution upon execution.”
Up next was an ordinance that approved a maintenance bond for work on the Mize Meadows subdivision being built.
Ordinance No. 002-2025: Accepting Maintenance Bond for Mize Meadows Subdivision Phase 1
“WHEREAS, the Public Works department has inspected and approved roadways in Mize Meadows Subdivision Phase 1 for compliance with the City’s roadway and subdivision requirements and regulations; and,
WHEREAS, the roadway and public improvements be bonded by Woodward Construction & Design, Inc. as principal and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company as surety, of Mize Meadows Subdivision Phase 1, and hereby are accepted for maintenance purposes for one year and attached bond becomes a part of this ordinance.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Good Hope, Alabama, while in regular session on the 16th day of December 2024 at 6:30 p.m., as follows:
SECTION 1. That roadways and public improvements in Mize Meadows Subdivision Phase 1 are hereby accepted for one year for maintenance purposes.
SECTION 2. That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and posting.”
Before adjourning for the night, the council passed an ordinance to approve a “Severe Weather Preparedness” Sales Tax Holiday during the last full weekend of February.
Ordinance No. 003-2025: “Severe Weather Preparedness” Sales Tax Holiday
“An ordinance of the City of Good Hope, Alabama, to exempt certain “covered items” from the municipal sales and use tax during the last full weekend of February, as authorized by 40-23-230 through 40- 23-233, Code of Alabama 1975, generally referred to as the state severe weather preparedness sales tax holiday.
Section 1. In conformity with the provisions in 40-23-230 through 40-23-233, Code of Alabama 1975, providing for a State Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday, the City of Good Hope, Alabama, exempts “covered items” from municipal sales and use tax during the same period, beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the fourth Friday in February and ending at twelve midnight the following Sunday. The time period for this ordinance is set to expire in October 31, 2025.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be subject to all terms, conditions, definitions, time periods, and rules as provided by 40-23-230 through 40-23-233, Code of Alabama 1975, except that the time period shall only be as specified in Section 1 above.
Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this ordinance under the seal of the City of Good Hope, Alabama, and to forward said ce11ified copy to the Alabama Depm1ment of Revenue to be recorded and posted on the Depm1ment website.
Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective on its passage and publication as required by law.”
Signups for Good Hope’s upcoming parks & rec baseball season are also underway and registration will be open until Feb. 21. You can sign up online at https://goodhope.recdesk.com/Community/Program
The Good Hope City Council will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, Jan. 27 at Good Hope City Hall at 6:30 p.m.
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