Empty Bowls 2025 seeking volunteers with full hearts

Before a previous Empty Bowls event, local potters create hand-crafted bowls; left to right are Sandra Heaven, Lynn Jetton, Gil Bachmann, Mae Dawsey, Lucy Williamson and Marie Rhodes. (contributed)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Empty Bowls of Cullman County is one of the largest annual fundraisers for Cullman Caring for Kids. The annual dinner of savory chili and gooey grilled-cheese is hosted at First United Methodist Church of Cullman and each year, the demand for homemade chili served in hand-thrown pottery bowls increases, along with the need for volunteers to craft the bowls.

Local potters and volunteers gather together beginning in September to start the long and arduous process of throwing and firing the more than 1,000 pottery bowls for the event, which sees hundreds of dine-in guests and the same number of meals and bowls carried out every year.

Whether at a master potter skill level or a novice thrower, all volunteers are welcome to add a personal and community touch to the bowls that will go on to feed the hungry through ticket sales and other proceeds.

“This will mark the 20th year for the Empty Bowls event. We are in need of volunteers; no experience required! So many families will benefit from this event,” smiled Empty Bowls volunteer Jeanie Rhodes. “Let’s keep the tradition going!”

Empty Bowls of Cullman County will be Monday, Feb. 17, 2025, at First United Methodist Church. Ticket prices will be announced closer to the event and all proceeds will benefit Cullman Caring for Kids. Attendees will be able to bring home their hand-crafted empty bowls as souvenirs from the occasion, while supplies last.

Interested in volunteering? Contact Jeanie Rhodes at 205-382-0739.

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