‘Love, Honor, Cherish’

West Point educators launch podcast for couples

Heith and Amanda Yearwood (Photo courtesy of Heith Yearwood)

WEST POINT, Ala. – West Point High School Principal Heith Yearwood and his wife, West Point High School counselor Amanda Yearwood, recently decided that their stories as a couple might be worth telling, and might help other couples’ stories turn out a little better. 

The couple recently launched Mission LHC (The initials stand for “love, honor and cherish”), a podcast series geared toward helping young couples navigate the waters of marriage.  

“We have joked for many years that we should start a podcast to tell our funny stories,” said Heith Yearwood. “Amanda says with Heith’s gift of gab, it comes naturally. For Amanda on the other hand, she prefers writing her blog stories.  

“Over the years, we have served as volunteers in youth ministries and as adult group leaders. Currently, we are in a class called DMD, “Disciples Making Disciples,” that encourages people to share their personal story and God’s story. As we have grown and learned more about how to do that, we have become increasingly burdened about helping the next generation.” 

The gift of encouragement 

The stated purpose of Mission LHC is that listeners “will hear real conversations with a married couple that are on a mission to help other couples as they learn to love, honor and cherish each other in all stages of marriage.” 

Yearwood explained the couple’s goal in starting the series: 

“In short, we just want to encourage people. Too often we are bombarded with negative posts and messages that discourage and bring strife and bitterness. We want to showcase what is right and good in our world.  

“During our marriage, we have been blessed to be mentored by many great role models. We hope to have many of those mentors on our podcast so we can tell them thank you for what they have done for us. They may not realize how important they were to our family. We want to try and pass this gift forward to pour into other people, especially married couples, the way we were ministered to by our mentors.” 

Yearwood concluded, “Marriage, raising kids and working is hard! If we can be an encouragement for others to love, honor and cherish their spouses and ultimately God, that is what we want to do.” 

For podcasts or Amanda Yearwood’s blog, visit https://sites.google.com/view/mission-lhc or https://www.facebook.com/MissionLHC/.  

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W.C. Mann
