Good Hope Middle School robotics team gets boost from city


Members of the Good Hope Middle School robotics team pose with their sponsor Rebecca McSpadden and members of the Good Hope City Council Monday evening. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE – The Good Hope Middle School robotics team got a boost from the Good Hope City Council Monday night when it was presented a $250 check. The team will travel to Auburn University this Friday to compete in the South’s BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology) Regional Robotics Championship. It took second place in the North Alabama BEST Robotics Tournament, which was held at Wallace State, in October. In Auburn this weekend, the team will compete against robotics teams from several southeastern states in hopes of advancing to nationals in Washington, D.C.

Mayor Jerry Bartlett congratulated Rebecca McSpadden, the team’s sponsor, and the six students in attendance.

“We support all our teams, both academic and athletic,” he said. “I know many extra hours are spent working with the kids and we thank you and good luck.”

Bartlett then called for a short executive session regarding an economic development project. State Rep. Corey Harbison, R-Good Hope sat in on the short 15-minute session. 

The council approved a resolution authorizing Bartlett to execute a work order, already budgeted for $9,600, to update Good Hope’s zoning ordinances with Kendig Keast Collaborative, a group the City has been working with to boost economic development. The work order will help streamline the zoning ordinances.

The council also approved a $300 pay adjustment for city employees to be included in the next payroll. 

The Good Hope Christmas Parade and Christmas in the Park are scheduled for Dec. 8 at 2 p.m.

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