Files from Yesteryear: 1951 and 1959


From the Files of 1951:

Bearcat Banter

Bill Baggett and Pete Taylor, who opened the season sitting on the bench are now Cullman’s only offensive fullback and quarterback. Adam and Brandon are both out for the most, if not all, of the remaining games, due to injuries. Pete plays on defense too, but sophomore Billy Cox replaces Baggett when the opponents get the ball.

One remarkable item in the statistics of last week’s game was the yards penalized column. Only ten yards in penalties stepped off in a game that is traditionally the roughest of the year! Only one personal foul was called, but Decatur refused a 15-yard penalty in order to take the play, when they recovered Martin’s fumble, to give them their scoring chance. Although it was a pass that gave Decatur its tie, Cullman fans had no cause to complain about the Bearcat’s defense. The Raiders record of only two completions and two interceptions in 12 attempts was a vast improvement over the poorest defense the Cats showed in their loss to Coffee three weeks ago.

Cullman’s tie with Decatur not only averted what looked like sure defeat, but also greatly improved Cullman’s chances of going through the rest of the season without another defeat. Their stiffest opposition will be the Athens Golden Eagles, who are their homecoming foes this week. The Eagles are another team the Bearcats haven’t beaten since the war and will be just as tough this year. Decatur has defeated Athens, 12 to 0, but Athens only lost to Coffee last week by a score of 7 to 0, which was considerably better than the Bearcats could do.

Hanceville Happenings

The Hanceville Graduating Class of 1937 will hold a reunion on November 14th at the All Steak Café, in Cullman, from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Please notify Mrs. Melvin Ponder or Guyles Combs by November 13th if you can attend.

Miss Joyce McNutt has returned, after spending a week in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she attended a Home Demonstration Convention.

H.B. Sparks, of Birmingham, was the guest, on Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Boyd and family.

Visiting Mrs. Rubye Armstrong last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, Annie Marie, Johnny Mac and George Randell, of Mount Olive and Mr. and Mrs. Benny Armstrong, of Birmingham.

Gray Meadows left on Monday for Fort Lewis, in Washington, where he will be stationed until he receives a re- assignment.

Mrs. Frances Braswell, of Oneonta, is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. Mittie Scott.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin, of Birmingham, were the guests last weekend of Mrs. Griffin’s mother, Mrs. Ed Ashwander.


From the Files of 1959:

Walter News

By: Clarence Nuss

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stewart and Mrs. Bill Counts and daughter, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a week here with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stewart and Glenda.

Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Long, of Hanceville, were the Saturday night supper guests of Mrs. B.T. Burnham and Clarence Nuss.

Reverend and Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds, of Blount County, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sutton and Rex.

Mr. and Mrs. Kilmer Giles, Ronda Jean, Mrs. Cordie Burrow, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gable and Mr. and Mrs. Cortez Gable spent Sunday in Birmingham.

Mrs. Hercel House, of East Point, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sutton and Rex.

Mrs. H.H. Segler and Mrs. W.R. Gable, of Cullman, spent Sunday afternoon in this community.

Mr. and Mrs. George Clapp, of Hanceville and Andrew Whitaker, of Center Hill, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. B.T. Burnham and Clarence Nuss.


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