Cullman City Council recognizes CHS band; bids awarded for wastewater treatment plant improvements

W.C. Mann

Cullman City Schools Superintendent Dr. Susan Patterson, Councilman Andy Page, Cullman High School Band Director Christopher Smith, Assistant Director Doug Teuscher and student representatives of the CHS band program (including both marching and symphonic bands)

CULLMAN – The Cullman City Council met Monday evening, with Mayor Woody Jacobs and council members Jenny Folsom, Clint Hollingsworth and Andy Page in attendance.  Councilmen John Cook and Garlan Gudger were absent.

After the invocation, the rules of procedure were suspended to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Nov. 28 and 30 meetings.  Both were accepted without discussion.

As the council moved to committee reports, no reports were brought, but Page stepped out and invited Cullman High School Band Director Christopher Smith, Assistant Director Doug Teuscher and student representatives of the CHS band program (including both marching and symphonic bands) to come forward.  He presented them with a council resolution congratulating them on recent accomplishments, including:

  • Performing in the 2016 Magnificent Mile Festival Lights Parade in Chicago, an event broadcast on television and internet, and attended by more than 1 million spectators.
  • Receiving all superior ratings and winning multiple "best-in-class" awards at marching band competitions this year.
  • Participating in the 2015 Veterans Day America's Parade in New York.
  • The 2015-16 symphonic band's achievement of superior ratings for the 23rd consecutive year at the Alabama Bandmasters Association Performance Assessment.

The resolution specifically recognized CHS Band President Myles McLeroy, Vice-President Wes Ellard and Drum Major Jackson Shaw.

The document presented to the band concluded, "BE IT RESOLVED, on the 12th day of December, 2016, that the Mayor and City Council of Cullman, Alabama, on behalf of our citizens, do hereby extend to the 2016-17 Cullman High School Band this expression of pride in their outstanding accomplishments."

Getting back to regular council business, Jacobs brought his report.  The singular item involved the closure of streets around the city parking deck on Third Avenue Southwest and Third Street Southwest for 1-2 days in the coming week.  Water Department Superintendent Chris Freeman, who was in attendance, said the closures will be necessary for the running of a new sewer line under the deck.  He also said that the north deck entrance will be closed, but the deck will remain accessible through the south entrance.

After the conclusion of the mayor's report, the floor was opened to comments from the public or anyone not on the agenda, with no response.

The council then addressed multiple city requests, voting to pass all that were presented, including:

  1. A request from Water Superintendent Chris Freeman to purchase from two existing city bids two work trucks from Mitch Smith Chevrolet in the budgeted amount of $77,443.
  2. A request from Sanitation Superintendent Larry Jones to purchase from an existing city bid one work truck from Mitch Smith Chevrolet in the budgeted amount of $40,000.
  3. A request from Street Superintendent Scott Talley to purchase from an existing city bid two work trucks from Mitch Smith Chevrolet in the budgeted amount of $77,443.
  4. A request from Garage Superintendent Mason Kugler to purchase from NJPA bid list a computerized alignment system from Mohawk Lifts in the budgeted amount of $27,411.
  5. A request from Garage Superintendent Mason Kugler to purchase a JPRO Professional Diagnostics Tool Box from Stewart Auto Parts in the budgeted amount of $5,000.
  6. A request from Court Clerk Dana Phillips and Maintenance Supervisor Mark Watson to approve the lowest quote from Walker Brothers LTD for a construction project in Municipal Court in the budgeted amount not to exceed $35,145.
  7. A request from Joey Pannell of Catfish N Que, Inc. located at 1610 Main Avenue SW for a restaurant alcohol license which received a favorable recommendation from the City of Cullman Alcohol Review Committee.
  8. A request from Street Superintendent Scott Talley to lease from an existing city bid two backhoe loaders from Thompson Tractor Company, Inc. in the budgeted annual amount of $33,458.
  9. A request from Water Superintendent Chris Freeman to purchase from an existing city bid a work truck from Eckenrod Ford in the budgeted amount of $39,690.

The council then addressed five resolutions, passing four.  The fifth resolution, concerning a board appointment, did not require a vote.  The first two involved bid awards for long-awaited improvement projects at the City’s wastewater treatment plant.

  1. Resolution No. 2017-26 – To award bid for tertiary filter installation for the Cullman Wastewater Treatment Plant to the lowest responsible bidder, B.H. Craig Construction, Inc., in the budgeted amount not to exceed $2,494,500.
  2. Resolution No. 2017-27 – To award bid for sanitary sewer/regional lift station improvements for Cullman WWTP to the lowest responsible bidder, Apel Machine & Supply, Inc., in the budgeted amount not to exceed $897,410.

The next two were as follows:

  1. Resolution No. 2017-28 – To award bid R-01762 for one or more 4WD crew trucks to the lowest responsible bidder, Eckenrod Ford Lincoln, in the budgeted amount of $39,690 per truck.
  2. Resolution No. 2017-29 – To award bid R-01763 for one or more half ton 4WD work trucks to the lowest responsible bidder, Mitch Smith Chevrolet, in the budgeted amount of $33,017 per truck.

The last resolution, under "board appointments," involved Rick Harper, who had previously been appointed to the zoning board.  Harper declined the appointment, due to a conflict of interest.

With no further business, the council adjourned.

The Cullman City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at 7 p.m.  The public is invited to attend.


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