Library hosting Summer Reading Programs

Cullman County Public Library (Tiffany McKoy)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Public Library will kick off its Summer Reading Program June 1. Participants can drop by, register, get reading logs and enjoy a free treat from Cha Cha’s Shaved Ice.

Kids will be given instructions about reading logs and how to earn prizes. After they fill in a row on the reading log, they can pick out a brag tag. After they complete a full reading log, they can pick a prize from the library’s treasure chest along with a free Pop Card from Frio’s.

The library will also be doing an Adult Summer Reading Program, which will begin the same day. Participants 17 and older can come by and get a reading log. If participants fill their reading logs, they get a free coffee mug from the library. If they continue to complete reading logs, they can put their name in a drawing for a jar of honey, and at the end of the summer, the library will do a drawing for a cookie jar.

The Summer Reading Programs for adults and kids will run from June 1-July 31.

Cullman County Public Library Circulation Manager Laura Benton said the theme for the programs is “All Together Now!”

“We have decided to decorate with bees because they work so well together for the good of their hive,” she said. “Each bee has an important role to play in the well-being of its community – just like people!” stated Benton.

The June calendar

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