Shedd Schedules Public Hearing Regarding Cullman Memory Gardens

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CULLMAN – State Rep. Randall Shedd, R-Fairview, has scheduled a public hearing for this Saturday, Feb. 20, at 10 a.m. at Cullman City Hall. The purpose of the hearing is “to listen to the public regarding (my) proposed legislation to address the situation at Cullman Memory Gardens.”

Back in January, Shedd announced his plans to propose legislation to establish a Cemetery Board and provide for its operations.

About the hearing and legislation, Shedd said, “When I announced my proposal to address this problem, I said I would have a public forum to hear from the public on my legislation and welcome any suggestions that would improve the proposed legislation. This is to follow through with that promise.

“I have received widespread support for the legislation from the general public. Most people understand the need to find a solution to the problem,” he continued. “However, I have learned there is some opposition, too.”

Shedd says the hearing on Saturday will be an opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings and will provide an opportunity for people to speak in favor of or in opposition to the legislation.

“I tried to schedule this public hearing at a time and location that provide maximum opportunity for the public to attend,” he said.

Cullman Memory Gardens has been in a state of disrepair for a few years now, as a result of financial problems and multiple changes in ownership. The situation that received the most attention was the “mysterious liquid” seeping from underneath a crypt in the mausoleum in 2014. Over the past couple of years, concerned citizens, including those who have family interred at Memory Gardens, have attempted to tend to the property grounds.

Cullman Memory Gardens is located at 1516 Bolte Road SE.

Shedd says that he invites anyone who cannot attend Saturday’s hearing to contact him by email, mail, text or telephone.

State Rep. Randall Shedd

1461 Welcome Road

Cullman, AL 35058
