Maxie Jones re-election bid for Good Hope City Council, place 2

Maxie Jones (contributed)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Maxie Jones on Tuesday announced he is seeking re-election to Good Hope City Council, place 2. The Municipal Election will take place Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020.

Below is Jones’ announcement:

With municipal elections taking place later this summer, Maxie Jones has announced that he will be seeking re-election to his current position on the Good Hope City Council.

Jones, who is currently serving his third term, says he has enjoyed serving the people of Good Hope and that his love of the community and the people who live in it are just some of the reasons he wants to serve and make things as best as they can possibly be.

Maxie has lived in Good Hope for over 40 years. He is retired from Daubert Chemicals where he worked for 43 years. As a father of two, he would often find side work when he wasn’t working at Daubert. That turned in to purchasing a dump truck and equipment over 25 years ago and he began building driveways and roads for the public. Even in retirement, you may still find him doing small jobs and/or manual labor projects to keep himself busy when he isn’t riding the roads checking on things in Good Hope.

Although he may not have physically lived in Good Hope his entire life, he has community ties that span back several generations.  His late mother-in-law, Virginia Henry, was well-known and respected in the community. She served multiple terms as a council member until her passing in 2008.

Jones had never run for office until he ran for council. He said that he decided to get involved because he felt that he could help the community with his work experience, work ethic and dedication.

He said, “I had never thought about running for office and I sure didn’t have a desire to be a politician! I consider myself more of a public servant than anything. My only agenda is to help the people in the community.”

If re-elected, he will continue to work with his fellow council members to bring improvements to all areas of the community and noted it’s very important that there is balance in the services the city provides: “Good Hope isn’t defined by any one project or service, but it is a great place because of multiple things. Everything we do is important to someone.”  

Good Hope has received over $2 million in grant money during his tenure on the council. Most of this money has gone for infrastructure improvements with the most notable being the new 305 interchange at County Road 222 and Interstate 65, a new bridge on Beech Grove Road and two community safe rooms.

Jones says that there are multiple projects in the works that he believes will bring needed improvements to the community.

He said, “Serving my community for the past 12 years has been an honor to me. If re-elected, I will continue to work hard and be accessible.”

Good Hope’s Municipal Election will take place Aug. 25 at Good Hope City Hall.

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