COLUMN: A nice little snow-cation


Well, I said, “Let it snow,” and it did. Thankfully, this one was no blizzard, but it was deep enough to make some snow cream. It was even big enough to be named. It was called Winter Storm Enzo. The strange thing about this snow was the further south one went, the more snow they got. It was a complete reversal of what happened a couple of weeks ago.  This time, they even had snow on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. The beaches that normally have white sand had several inches of white snow, but there didn’t seem to be many snow bathers. Cities like New Orleans and Pensacola had record snowfall!

I do realize that our little holiday was no day at the beach for everyone. Those who had to be out in it, like truck drivers and utility workers, put their lives at risk to do what needed to be done. Ashley, our daughter, is a hospital nurse. She didn’t miss a day of work. Fortunately, because we live only a few miles from the hospital, rather than drive the 20 miles to her house, she safely made the short drive each day to stay at our house.  Although she slept for most of her time with us, we enjoyed having her back home.  

We had a really good covering of the white stuff here in Opelika. There was enough snow for all the fun things like building a snowman, riding a sled and having a snowball fight. I didn’t do any of those things, but I did have a couple of bowls of snow cream. When I was younger, I would have stayed outside in that stuff all day long. My how things change as we get, well, older. I did not admit to being old, I said “older.” There is a difference.  Eighteen is older than 17, but 18 is not old.

Anyway, I digress. I did not do the things I once would have done, but I did enjoy the snow. It was kind of like when I do go to the beach. I usually don’t play in the water anymore…I sit on the balcony and look at the water. When I get to feeling a little energetic, I might take a stroll on the beach, unless it has snow on it! I mostly looked out our windows at the snow, except when my dachshund, Cocoa (15), needed a bathroom break. She’s old, too. She didn’t run and play, except to run back to the house as soon as she finished her business. I did enjoy watching the neighborhood children slip and slide and throw snowballs. I was tempted to join them, but with a slight prayer for willpower, I resisted the temptation!

Jean and I had a stay-cation for a couple of days, but I called it a snow-cation. I cooked a big pot of chili. I love chili, even in the middle of the summer, but it tastes even better when it’s cold and especially when there’s snow. I’m not the chef at our house, but I do cook a mean pot of chili. For dessert, we had snow cream. Jean put a large bowl out on the sidewalk shortly after the snow started falling. It filled it up in no time. When I was growing up my recipe was to add milk, sugar and vanilla flavoring. Jean made ours with sweetened condensed milk, but that’s all she will allow me to tell you! Well, I will tell you this, it was so good I even went out and gathered up another bowl of snow! Now, bring on springtime, please!       

Bill King can be reached at or 334-728-5514 (office).