Berlin Town Council approves budget modifications for road, park projects

Berlin Town Hall (Cullman Tribune file photo)

BERLIN, Ala. – The Berlin Town Council on Monday approved a modification to the 2025 budget in order to provide more funds for road repairs and development of the town’s park and farmers market complex. As part of ongoing work on County Roads 1612 and 1614, it approved expenditures by Mayor Patrick Bates of $5,800 for replacement of water lines that were damaged because they were not deep enough in the ground, and $15,600 for removal of the old line and restoration of the surface after all work is completed. The council increased the budget for this project to $99,000.

Bates told the council that all bids received for the park/farmers market project were over the Town’s allotted amount, with four bids ranging from $938,000 to $1.3 million. Bates told the council it could modify the overall budget by lowering amounts in nonessential lines like travel expenses and special events, adding $45,000 in carried over 2024 funds not previously listed, and adding $25,000 committed by Rep. Randall Shedd, R-Fairview, to the Town. With the changes, according to Bates, the Town could afford to put up to $750,000 into the project. Bates also said that certain modifications to the project plans, including changing vendors for certain fixtures, omitting certain unnecessary fixtures and foregoing asphalt paving for the parking lot, could lower costs. The council approved the modified budget, and authorized Bates to negotiate with Cullman-based Burks Building, Inc., the low bidder, to try to bring the project cost within the available budget.

The council held the first reading of an ordinance to establish salaries for the mayor and council members as follows:

  • Mayor – $800 per month
  • Council members – no pay

The council and mayor have worked without pay since the incorporation of Berlin in 2018, taking only reimbursement for certain expenses tied to their duties. Council members opted to keep their posts on a volunteer basis while offering the mayor a small sum for his work. If passed as expected, the mayor’s salary will go into effect after the 2025 Municipal Election.

The council also held the first reading of an ordinance to use an electronic vote counting system to be supplied by the county government for future elections, a measure currently being circulated among other municipal councils. Both ordinances will be voted on at the next council meeting.

The Berlin Town Council meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at Berlin Town Hall. The public is invited to attend.

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